my opposite lawyer did some vague arguements in my divorce case, my wife has filed a DV case in retaliation to my divorce case, she is contesting my divorce case. she has also filed 125 maintainence, she has also lodged 498A on me
The opposition lawyer is argueing that " we will take the DV case back if the husband is ready to accept her back"
also, i work in late night timings in my office so one more weird arguement being put forward is that, " the husband can easily look for a day shift job, imagine, he is keeping his wife alone late in the night and going for night shifts, how cruel is that!!! he can easily look for a day shift, but he is purposely doing it to harrass my client!!!
now, imagine how weird are these two arguements, i requested the judge that please ask for a written arguement, to which he agreed
if the opposite lawyer gives a written arguement of such sort, then can i use it two my benefit in my divorce case.
how can anybody demand that the shift time be adjusted according to the wifes wishes
by saying that " if he accepts her back we will take back the DV case" doesnt it mean that indirectly the lawyer is saying that he is using DV as a tool of terrorizing the husband to accept her back?
doesnt the court observe such indirect hints that DV here is being used a tool to pressurise the husband to adjust with a cunning wife on whom he has filed a divorce case.
request experts to please advise