I lent a sum of Rs 6.15 lakhs to my building contractor, who was doing my house project, towards his personal use. Towards repayment of the same, he issued 5 cheques of value Rs 1 lakh and one for Rs 1.15 lakh.
We had a wriiten contract for this and when the cheques were paid, I handed over the documents to him. We did write a new document (not professional) about the settlement of the debt via these cheques. This was a letter signed on a revenue stamp.
The house project is done, but he has not shared details of the final accounts yet.
In the meantime, the cheque he issued bounced. What are my options. I would like to settle amicably, so that my liability on the house project is settled against this loan amount and at the sametime, I am protected from fictious accounting.
Sudarsan, M K