Dear All,
I am purchasing a House which from a Land developer who has sub-plotted around 300 plots from the a huge piece of land.
The key layout plan approved by the Municipal Authorities shows North orientation towards the right side of the page.
If we take the layout plan at the physical location of the site, the north should point towards the top of the page.
The builder agreed that there is a mistake in the orientation of north in the approved layout plan.
The builder said it will take a lot of time and money to get the correct orientation in the layout plan rectified with the municipal authorities.
For eg. If i am buying the unit no 321,
boundaries at physical location would be:
N-House No 202
S-Society Road
E-House No322
W-House No 320
Boundaries as per the layout plan are:
N-House No 322
S-House No 320
E-House No 202
W-Society Road
There is no numbering on the site given as of now as the Houses are under construction.
Please help me with:
1. How do I ensure I am getting House No 321
2. What should be done about error in the orientation of north in the layout plan
3. What should be the boundaries in the sale deed.
Thanks and Regards,