Dear Sir
In my appientment letter the notic period is mentioned for 1.5 months . If cant obey this period than shell the compony recoves the 1.5 month sallary from my Account.
Deepak Rana (Civil Engineer) 11 February 2010
Dear Sir
In my appientment letter the notic period is mentioned for 1.5 months . If cant obey this period than shell the compony recoves the 1.5 month sallary from my Account.
Yes you have to necessarily comply with the notice period. Otherwise the company can forefeit the the notice pay. If the circumstances are genuine, you may seek a waiver which is subject to discretion by management.
Prabha (Executive) 15 February 2010
My Friend joined a company with a bond of 1.5 years and he sucessfully served the period; after whihc he got an offer in another ocmpany. when he requested his company for the releving they were playing the real game in not releving him and they asked him to serve 60 days notice period. He served 30 days and even his client was okay in releiving him but not the company... but the new employer was fine in joining without the releing letter. He joind the new company without his previous employer's releving letter. Recently he approached his previous employer for the relebing letter; but they are tellng since u didnt adhere to the policy we will not give the releiving letter instaed we will send the termination letter by post and also they didnt pay him his last month's salary.
What they are doing is out of human conduct. Please adivce and let me know the procedure is there any way of getting the proper releiving letter.