Dear Sir/Madam,
Kindly advice me on the procedure to obtain a birth certificate with a changed sur name and changed parents name.
- My current birth certificate mentions a baby boy born to so and so parents (natural parents details)
- I was adopted to my grand parents at the age of 4 and the adoption deed was registered
- All my certificates and passport contains the family name of my grand father and my grand parents name in the father/mother section (as they legally adopted me via registering the adoption deed)
Hence, I would like to obtain a birth certificate with the following changes:
- With my full name as in the passport(including the family name of my adopted parents) and
- Parents details being changed to my adopted parents details instead of my natural parents
I already contacted the local muncipality to get the change done , showing my passport/certificates and the adoption deed as a proof but they mentioned, they cannot change the details or issue a birth certificate based on these.
Kindly advice on the procedure to have the above mentioned changes in my birth certificate.
Thanks in advance.
Best greetings,
Narayana Rao