Dear Sir
I have recently quit from my job after 7& 1/2 years of service. 3rd May was my last working day and I duly filled up the Gratuity form on 3rd itself. I was told by the HR that my full and final settlement would take 45 days. I assumed this would include the Gratuity as well. Now when I asked the HR to confirm payments they say ''(Our understanding with the CnB team is that the gratuity processing begins post the FnF, which is 45 days from the last working day. There is a set procedure that the extraction of the money needs to go through and I would not recommend that the Employee base any planning for his financial needs on this for at least the next 3 months))'' I do not agree with this. Please could you confirm if the employer is doing right as it should not take more than 30 days as per the Act of 1972, How do I go about claiming my benefit at the earliest. Do I have to register a case?
Please Help