a person ,with two sons in tamilnad,writes a will giving all his share to his elder son and dies recently . all these are his full self acquired property. the WILL is registered.
now, is it still required for this elder son to get the WIIL probabted if the state law demands it?
i see that probation through court involes publicatin and taking other legal hiers NO objections.if that is the case, doe this mean that there is NO FULL LIBERTY for the deceased to write his share to the party of his intersted(elder son in this case) without the interferene of the court? also, how long will this probation petiton takes,will it be years again like other suit?
i feel that this whole probate throgh court defeats the liberty of a person in writing a free WILL,of his self acquired property, to anyone of his interest. or if my understanding wrong here?