One day Mullah was invited in a crowd to speak on some outstanding topics. Mullah stand up and said "Brothers, do you know what I am going to discuss?" All crowds are said that "No we did not know".
Mullah said "So I cannot tell my precious topics to all of you. Because you have no idea about the topics". After that Mullah had gone to his house.
In the next day some people invited Mullah again and told him to say about the topics. Mullah again asked the crowds "Brothers, do you know what I am going to discuss?".
All crowds told that they know what Mullah is going to discuss. Mullah said "If you people know everything then why should I tell." Again he make fool the crowds and went home.
Again the next day, Mullah was invited and the people told the crowds that if Mullah asked about the topics then some people will say yes and other will say no. Mullah again asked the same question "Brothers, do you know what I am going to discuss?". 50% says yes and other says no. Then Mullah said those people know the matter, please tell the others who not know it and he make fool the crowds again.