getting the release deed from co petitioner
krishna mohan
(Querist) 08 November 2012
This query is : Resolved
My father and aunt(own sister of my father)are the petitioners in a land suit pending in high court.
As per the lower courts judgement the some ancestral property is given to my aunt.
1}we want to get the release deed from my aunt for the land allotted by court to her. whether it is valid when the case is still pending with the court.
2} what is the procedure
Kindly reply
adv. rajeev ( rajoo )
(Expert) 08 November 2012
If suit is pending go for the compromise and get it decreed. In this compromise your aunt can say that she is given the property to your father.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 08 November 2012
1)yes! but subject to decision of court about
dispute with third party.
2)A registered QUIT DEED called relinquishment deed to be executed at sub registrar office of area where property is situated paying stamp duty according to stamp duty Act of the state wherein property is.
NOTE:At this stage of case relinquishment by compromise would also require registration.
Ms.Nirmala P.Rao
(Expert) 08 November 2012
Dear Client,
Your father can reach out of court settlement with your aunt and close the case and then get a relinquishment died executed by her by paying appropriate stamp duty and registration charges in the registrars Office to the extent of property she has agreed to relinquish in your father's favour by her.
Ms.Nirmala P.Rao
Legal Expert
(Expert) 11 November 2012
it would have to be a registered reliquishment deed and you would need to inform the court