Trial of e.c.act & sec.328 ipc
Ladhu Ram Chowdhary
(Querist) 06 November 2009
This query is : Resolved
challan submitted u/s 3/7 E.C.ACT & SEC. 328 IPC.The related special court for E.C. ACT is CJM/ this situation weather special court CJM /ACJM can trial offences related u/s 328 ipc is legal or not.
The offences u/s e.c. act & 328 ipc can be trial by special court CJM /ACJM.Even u/s 328 ipc cases are tried by CJM/ SESSION COURT can trial offences related to E.C.act act &328 ipc or not? if he can trial, under which sec. of cr.p.c.?
Kiran Kumar
(Expert) 06 November 2009
only the courts appointed/ established/ authorised for a specific trial can try such a case, any other court may be the sessions court or high court can not run trial.
pls check the local high court orders and rules in this context.
one more thing just a single post is enough to invite attention of the experts here....u need not to post your query four times.
bhupender sharma
(Expert) 06 November 2009
Mr. Ladhu Ram If in a case where some of the offences triable by M.M./C.J.M. and one of the offence is triable exclusively by the Court of Session then of course the trial should be conducted by the Session's Court. More over u said 328 I.P.C. is Triable by the Court of Session's, therefore the session's Court has jurisdiction to conduct the trial of the case. Bhupender Sharma(Adv.)