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About police record

(Querist) 05 December 2014 This query is : Resolved 
Respect expert team,i have query about police record,i stay in nagpur and case filed agains me 2004 with ipc 506 (2),114,135 after that in january 2006 court judgement will come and court say me i am innocent and i do not any guilty and case was closed, but now i applied for maharashtra revenue department its a gov job so i worried can it's create any problem for my job so i want to ask the expert team can my police record was cleared or not if not than how can it's cleared and how can i know which information have in police record about me,please help me, thank you so much in advance before expert team replied of my query .
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 05 December 2014
You are acquitted pof the offence and hence you are unlikely to be affected in your job. However the same things will reflect suring police verification.
P. Venu (Expert) 05 December 2014
The information sought, while offering appointment, are those relating to conviction. There could be no problem if you had been acquitted on merits. Please keep with you a copy of the judgement which held that you were innocent.
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Expert) 05 December 2014
police have same information as order passed by the court.
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 05 December 2014
Since you are acquitted by court, this record will not affect your job prospects. Do not worry.
ajay sethi (Expert) 05 December 2014
if you are acquitted by the court you have nothing to fear
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 05 December 2014
Nothing to fear of as acquitted by the court on merits.
jayesh kumar (Querist) 05 December 2014
Thank You So Much Expert Team For Your's Credible Help For Me.
ajay sethi (Expert) 05 December 2014
thanks for your appreciation
jayesh kumar (Querist) 05 December 2014
Can My Police Record Can Clear Or Not Ever, Even Court Judgement Already Say Me Innocent.can i do it with consult any lawyer it is possible ?
jayesh kumar (Querist) 05 December 2014
Can My Police Record Can Clear Or Not Ever, Even Court Judgement Already Say Me Innocent.can i do it with consult any lawyer it is possible ?
Advocate Ravinder (Expert) 06 December 2014
But as per the latest Supreme Court Judgement, with regard to recruitment in police department, even though the candidate is acquitted, he will not be eligible for the job. Hence, we can say this principle does not work for Police Department. I invite comments by the experts.
P. Venu (Expert) 06 December 2014
The question is whether the acquittal is on merits. That is why I had suggested that the queriest should keep with him a copy of the judgment acquitting him as innocent.
Biswanath Roy (Expert) 06 December 2014
If you were already acquitted from the charges on contest and on merit then obtain a certified copy of the order from the court and send it to the Officer-in-Charge/I.C of your Police Station with a forwarding letter of your Advocate requesting O.C./I.C. to record THE COURT ORDER in the General Diary for future reference. Such letter of the Advocate must be sent by Postal Registered with A/D cover.
jayesh kumar (Querist) 06 December 2014
Respect Team ,in my case complainant who complain against me is hostile by court cause his statement not match with the FRI complain and he has no any strong evidence which prove me i do guilty so court say the complainant pure failure to prove case against me and verdict come i am innocent by the court judgement and i have also my judgement copy, so please expert team tell me now can i have any problem about my job even in future also please i to much in tension suggest me .
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Expert) 06 December 2014
learned Expert Shri Ravinder.P refers supreme court judgement about your case.

so after going through the whole judgement, opinion can be formed.
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Expert) 06 December 2014
Dear Mr. Ravinder,

You are requested to provide judgement copy here.

with Regards.
jayesh kumar (Querist) 06 December 2014
Thank You so much Dear Sir Mr.Shailesh kr shah , and i wait for ur's opinion about my case i really debtor of ur's valuable time for me and ur's credible help .and i wish please expert team also give opinion about my case .
Biswanath Roy (Expert) 06 December 2014
Hemant Agarwal (Expert) 06 December 2014

1. There is vast "legal" difference in :
a) Case Dismissed
b) Case Closed.

2. "Case Dismissed", necessarily DOES NOT imply that the accused is Innocent or Guilty. It simply means that the Case is lawfully not tenable, and that case cannot be TRIED and hence the accused can neither be pronounced as "innocent" .NOR. be pronounced as "guilty".

3. "Case Closed", necessarily IMPLIES that the case was lawfully tenable and Trial was conducted and the accused is either pronounced as "acquitted" .OR. is pronounced as "convicted".

4. In case of the "queriest - Jayesh Kumar" (who seems to be beating around the bush, with his unfounded apprehensions and his unbelievable luck of getting acquitted, due to weakness in the case), the Complainant AND /OR the Police (state), can further it up with relevant appeal proceedings. In the Event, IF "appeal" is not preferred by the relevant parties, within the relevant appeal period, THEN there will be nothing barring, to conduct and work in ANY Govt. Dept.

BTW, it is very surprising that the "queriest - Jayesh Kumar", had been tried u/s 135 (IPC). The trial /acquittal u/s 135, does not match his fishy query.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

jayesh kumar (Querist) 06 December 2014
Sorry Sir, Mr.hemant agarwal I again see my judgemet and there is write in judgement I innocent from IPC 506 (2),114 and b.p.a.क 135 . THANK YOU so much sir mr. biswanath roy for ur's credible help for me..!
P. Venu (Expert) 09 December 2014
You are having a copy of the Judgment with you and by the information disclosed, there has been no further proceedings. If, during verification, something adverse happens, you may seek administrative as well as judicial remedies based on the judgment.

At present, matter is purely hypothetical.
Biswanath Roy (Expert) 09 December 2014
If you service a certified copy of the judgement and order of the Learned Court upon the O.C/I.C OF YOUR LOCAL POLICE STATION definitely at the time of verification police authorities will be legally bound down to give a "clean chit" in the matter.
Guest (Expert) 09 December 2014
Instead of creating your Own Problem Just Be Cool and Everything would Go Well.Do Not Discuss about case where you had been Acquitted Un Necessarily.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 09 December 2014
The query with reference to acquittal u/s 135 IPC seems to be hypothetical hence do not deserve any opinion to the query. The author is not clear of the charges under the different provisions of law, let him make his query proper so that he will get a proper reply.
Rajinder KumarAhuja9990725300 (Expert) 17 January 2015
But please never ever give a statement that you were never tried for a criminal case. Put the factual position in the form etc. that there was a criminal case against you but you were acquitted in that case. Because once you tell the true picture, police personel will check it with records with them and give a report in your favour. Even if you have already filled some forms stating that you were never tried for a criminal offence, you must admit that there was a case and you were acquitted. But failed to give the details in the form inadvertently.

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