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abusing emploee

(Querist) 22 October 2008 This query is : Resolved 
i need to know one person is working in sales profession and his manager for target achivement use to abuse him publically and over phone, the employee need to know what recourses he have to file a case against this person, as he dont have any proof for the same, can a notice can be issued to the company for this or a case should be registered in police or directly to the court and under what sections, if the company terminates him on issuance of notice what can he do further? thanks>
Murali Krishna (Expert) 22 October 2008
You said that the abuse was in public and over phone. The employee can agitate the issue for causing harassment, it needs some sort of proof to win. A notice citing the various instances may work.
kumar sachin (Expert) 22 October 2008
K.C.Suresh (Expert) 23 October 2008
Just for the reason of a notice no employee will be fired. Proceed as Stya said. It may work. But you must be more elaborate on the way in which you are abused. The words and guesters etc used in publicare meterial.

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