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lokesh   05 March 2010 at 16:53


Respected Sirs,
I am M.Malaisamy, Advocate belong to Sathyamangalam, Erode District, Tamil Nadu.

I request you to clarrify the following.

For registering a document the first person to sign in that document is the "Executant", the second person is the "Claimant" and third is "Witness".

Other than this one person will introduce the executor called "Introducer"

Under what provision the term "Introducer" is made compulsory?

If that document becomes a forged one then what is the liabilities of the above said persons.

Whether the "Introducer" has to get in to the box?

Now I want to know
what is the difference between "Witnesses" and "Introducer"

Is there any change in the liability?

Kindly advice me in this regard.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely

Anonymous   05 March 2010 at 16:16

MOU for 2 people/companies to get together to do business

Dear Experts,

I am into Real Estate and a good friend of mine is an Interior Designer. We both are planning to work together for Interior and construction contracts.
I have a client base and can fetch jobs and my friend on the other hand with his experience can execute the jobs. we both intend to form a firm on basis of MOU to do the same.
Please advise me on how to form the MOU so that we could proceed further. I have seen a few MOU's but am still confused as to what will go in this situation. A draft for this purpose will be appreciated.


Anonymous   05 March 2010 at 12:53

Spelling mistake in Apartment Deed

Respected Sir, We purchased a new flat in Jun 2009 jointly with my husband and its registry + apartment deed was done in Jun 2009. We have taken the posession of the flat. Recently, we got all the documents from the builder and we noticed that there is a typing mistake in my sirname in Apartment Deed document howevr my husband's full name is mentioned correctly ( he is second holder). My sirname is mentioned as "Tondon" instaed of "Tandon". Though Index II page is written in Hindi and here the name is correct. Will this create problems in selling the flat in future and Is it necessary to go for correction deed? Thanks.

prakruthi   05 March 2010 at 09:26


Dear Experts,

I am born and brought up in tamilnadu and finished by schooling and college studies in tamilnadu only. But for employment I came to hyderabad and settled here for the last 5 years along with my entire family.

I want to apply for passport , where should I apply ? I am completely relocated to hyderabad and no more connected to TN.


Dushyant Pandya   04 March 2010 at 17:05


Distinction between Assignment Deed and Conveyance Deed.

Anil Goel   04 March 2010 at 15:53

procedure to make a will

hello experts

plz tell me the main points or procedure to be adopted while prepairing a will of the person.

and a specimen of the will. plz reply early, its urgent


Srilatha   03 March 2010 at 14:17

Consumer Forum

I need some Consumer Forum Judgements where the party who has been doing speculative business and had filed case against the trading member under deficiency of service claiming to be a consumer.

Adv. Deepak   02 March 2010 at 21:17

Registration of a notarised document.

Respected Experts,
May I Kindly request all of you to extend your valuable guidance in the following matter?
Old man not able to move and sign made a gift deed in the name of his son, paid stamp duty in full and made thumb impression in presence of notary and notary attested the document as Before Me by putting his signature. Now, my question is whether such a document can be presented for registration before sub registrar by his son under proper power of attorney? Can it be registered? Please help. Regards. Deepak

Anonymous   02 March 2010 at 20:09

General Power of Attorney

Dear Sir,
A person "P" has entered into sale agreement to buy a flat with a builder "B" in the state of "KA".
But due to some litigation between "B" and landowner "L", the flat has not been registered."P" filed a complaint against "B" in consumer forum and its proceeding now.
Now "P" has to relocate to UK on multi year job assignment."P" wants to give GPA to his father "F" ,who is residing in another state "AP",mainly to deal with the case and also to take care of his property/investments in "KA" and in "AP".
I want to know what are the limitations of this GPA.Like if "B" knowingly that "P" is out of country,files civil/criminal complaints(just to harass or delay the consumer proceedings or to threaten us to come to a compromise on his terms),can GPA holder "F" appear and contest on behalf of "P" as its not practical for "P" to come down and contest on his own?
Please let me know

Dineshkumar Gupta   02 March 2010 at 18:47

Format for Indemnity bond

My father had been lost at last fourteen year back and now our society going under SRA scheme and our secretery of the society required indemnity bond for tranfering the property in the name of my mother.
So my query is that this should be required? or if yes plz send me the format of this.