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ANURAG KUMAR AGARWAL   27 October 2008 at 18:43

plot in township changed

i booked 2 plot in 2005 parshnath township in jaipur, which is a public listed co.
they alloted 1 plot and said 2nd will be alloted later and gave me the map.
in 2006 they revised the map and said JDA has revised it.
now in 2008 they have come up with again new map, where by my plot location has totally change, and till date they have not alloted my 2nd plot.
they r asking for money of 1st plot.
what should i do.
no devlopment is there on site, no conectivity, no light, no water, no park and no amenities as was shown to us in 2005

shripal   25 October 2008 at 13:02

Changing a lawyer/advocate

I am a layman when it comes to law. I have a vast property in my building which i have leased to a bank. lease expired but bank is not renewing the lease. we hired a lawyer but he is not showing keen interest in the case and is not providing proper answers and does not have the time to meet us. for the past 5 months he has been taking date after date after date from the court, giving flimsy excuses.

i want to know the rules to change the lawyer. do we require an NOC from the current lawyer? can i just pay his fees, fire him mid-case and hire a new lawyer?

kaushikphm   24 October 2008 at 10:16

Citation reqd

Dear Sir,

Could you please provide the below mentioned judgement.
In 2001(6) ALT 42 (SC) Mariyam Begum Vs B. Begum

mansi   22 October 2008 at 23:45

buying a land in India.........for redevelopment.

Can a person having a dual citizenship in India and UK buy a property in his own name for redevelopment or development purpose? If yes is there any restriction like an NRI that he can buy only if it is above 5 lakhs Sq. Ft.?

R Murali   22 October 2008 at 08:43

Land Ceiling Act


An application is made for exemption under Sec. 37A of Land Reforms Act say for about 500 acres by a company. During the pendancy of the application with the Govt whether any addition can be made in the same application. Similarly, whether a small portion of the lands can be deleted from the application already submitted by disposing off the small portion of the lands.

Can any one clarify my above query.

ram   22 October 2008 at 01:49

Deposit of Title Deed

Can Deposit of Title Deed Mortagaged to recognised Banks only or if mortagaged to any induvidual/Chit Funds/Finance Inst etc is valied

Ranganath.T   21 October 2008 at 21:53

portition suit

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please give me your precious opinion about challenging against final order or final decree against the partition suit which was provided by civil court in the year 1989, in this judgment boundaries are not fixed properly some other persons property provided to us they having their legal documents in there name from post 30 years and that property was not belongs to us but our opposite party given false statement and misguide the court at the time of judgment, basically whole property belongs to my grandmother’s fathers but grandmother relative acquired the property and when my grandmother filled the suit for half share in that time judge provided half share but in that half share boundaries are not fixed properly they provided half share along with some others property also. Because of some financial problems my grandmother did not challenged in high court in this regard so please give me some help how we can get the justice.

Now we can able to challenge the suit in the high court or not if it is possible, please guide me from which act or section we can fill the suit.

Kindly help me out regarding this issue.

Thanking You.

Yours faithfully,
(M No. 9945018118)

V.G.Rao Advocate   21 October 2008 at 04:09

what relief to be prayed?

hi all,
It is very serious and urgent matter, and I need ur help, One "A" purchsed property through Notarised Agreement of sale admeasuring 240 sq.yds which falls under Syno.144, at hyderabad in the year 1988 tohrough its lawful vendors rep by their Irrvocable GPA, and the same was revalidated in the year 1999 by paying deficit stamp duty, and thereafter in the year 2001 "A" constructed a two rooms and assessed and paying property tax bill as on today and is residing in the premises, and further obtained electricty connection, and he left open nearly 100 sq.yds of land, while matter stood thus in the year 2001 on Mr"B" tried to disposses him from the aforesaid premises under the guise of a registred sale deed for the said property purchased from one Mr.gyiasuddin,whereupon "A" has filed a civil suit for Perpetual Injunction and obtained stausquo order against him, during the pendency of the case "A" enquired and came to Know that Mr.Giyasuddin has filed a case against some others in respect of propertis in sy.No 144, 170,70,72,77 etc claiming others as land grabbers, wherein he deposed that in the year 1989 he enterd in to the comprose deed with the vendors of "A" and as per said Compromise deed the vendors were given of 9 Ac of agriculrural lands in Sy nO.144 by retaining him self other part of Ac 9 situated at Sy Nos 170,71,71, etc.,and it seems that by suppressing the said fact he sold the property in question to "B" which by it self is null and void,
and while matter stood thus Mr."B" during the pendency of the above suit has sold the same property while "A" is in possession and enjoyment of the same to One Mr."C", and Mr"C" taking advantage of open land left by "A" illegally tress passed in to his premises and made A compond wall and tried to dispoossses "A" from the premises, but "A" again filed a suit and criminal complaint fro tress pass, theft etc and obtained Statusquo order in Injubnction suiit filed against "C", but "C" while order in subsisting got a electric meter connection and installed the samwe, now my question is now what "A" cand do now what other reliefs can he pray by filing suits and to safe guard his properety.

ram   18 October 2008 at 10:31

Two Items in Single Doct

two vendors (rights is diffeenet) of same village sold to vendee in a single documentmentioned as single item is valied?
if valied waht is the stamp Duty as applicable in AP
Thank Q

kaushikphm   17 October 2008 at 12:28

Rent payment

Dear Sir,

I,mysister and my uncle(Father's brother)
are co owners in a Shop which was letout
in the year 1996 by a registered lease till
June 2008. My Uncle as a senior member in our family,is receiving the entire rent
till now and issuing rent receipt.
He was giving monthly payment for my share and my sister till 1999 and stop thereafter.
In the year 2007,I send a letter to tenant
to pay my share directly to me.
I send a advocate notice to tenant and
copy to my uncle.But, I received no reply from both.
So, I filed a case for eviction in the ground of willful default.
I made myuncle and mysister as respondant with tenant.In counter, my sister is favouring me in the preceding.
But, the tenant is paying entire rent to my uncle till date.
Could you please advice me for the further steps.