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Nishikant   29 July 2008 at 18:25

Society Audit

How to be asked or checked society audit

md   29 July 2008 at 07:55

Getting Back Property

Dear Sir,

My maternal grandpa where had a property in his name in Srilanka. Now its worth more than crore rupees. In 1970 he left srilanka because of his health and lossed his life in india. Whe he was in srilanka the property's power is given to somebody (his family is occupying now)but after few years when my grandpa knows some difficuties so he again registered a gift deed in my mom and her sisters name. How to get back the property. How much will cost me to get back. I dont know any thing about srilankan laws.please help me

dasd   28 July 2008 at 22:01

agricultural land

when i purchased agricultural land it was a rural agriculture land i.e outside 8 km from municipality limit. But when i sold it it came within the municipality limit so whether the capital gain on sale of above mentioned agricultural land be chargeable to tax?

dasd   27 July 2008 at 22:56

property law.....

if mr a wants to purchase a flat from society in joint name of mr a & his wife.but society have some rules to allot the flat in only one person's name ?then whether registry can be done in joint name or not?

Lokesh   27 July 2008 at 21:45

TN Buildings and lease control act

I am the new owner of the property and without issuing notice of attornment of tenancy, i have initiated eviction proceedings against the tenant on the ground willful default, personal occupation and demolition and construction? will the non-issuance of attornment of tenancy notice be drastic to my case?

ummer   27 July 2008 at 21:03

share to a MUSLIM WOMAN in the proprty of her DECEASED father

as per the existing law a muslim woman get only 1/3 share inthe property of her deceased father ie daughter gets 1/3 while son gets 2/3.(qouran base).but this is not the case,even in muslim/islamic countries.
1) can this law be challanged in the court of law.
2)if so, how to proceed


GYAN CHAND   27 July 2008 at 11:13


my wife father in law marriage two lady. First had left and born two girl childern(just Married) and 2nd has 3childern
first mother children 2nd mother not like and not taking care after death of father
pls suggest what should we do and if we put a case for justice in the court for property dispute can we have?

pls help us the grand mother-in-law is also not leaving her son's house.


sagar madan   19 July 2008 at 14:07

bombay stamp act

what is the stamp duty payable under bombay stamp act for agreement of joint venture with foreign comanies for technical assitance and for FDI contirbution in mumbai in India? Do also inform the relevant article of schedule I of bombay stamp act act under which such agreements are covered?

T Nageswar Rao   19 July 2008 at 09:40

Purchase of Property in India by a Foreigner

Dear all, Please let me know the procedure of purchasing a property in India by a Nepali citizen and/or other nation.As per FEMA, RBI's prior permission is necessary,and let me know if any other law / book is need to be referred.
Place: Want to purchase property in Bangalore/Karnataka

Priyanka   18 July 2008 at 19:12


What is the proedure for deletion of Name as a First Holder(on death) in the Flat in Cooperative Society, Mumbai,while second Holder (his wife) is alive & want to remain as a single holder of the property ?

Which are the documents need to be submitted to Society ?