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Priya   14 April 2008 at 10:50

Investment by 2 persons, Property regd in 1 name

Married daughter, now separated, invested a part of her dowry with her father in a chit company. As the company could not pay, they alloted a plot in a residential project they were investing. To avoid legal formalities this plot was registered in the father's name. Now due to personal conflicts the daughter would like to take the legal rights on the property. It cant be registered now in the daughter's name due to legal complications pending in the residential project. Father has agreed to transfer to the daughter through papers on payment of his share of investment. How should this paper be executed?

I still have doubts regarding the Expert’s reply, being the following:
The residential plot is required not to built a house. If is only to be on the safe side as
relationship between the daughter and father is deteriorating. As per Alt1: given above will a signed sale deed by father suffice or should it be signed by witness or any particular officials, notary or registered? And yes the payment can be made by cheque. I am not clear regarding Alt3: Why Rs.100 non judicial stamp paper drafted by notary? Are you saying in the third alternative given after the plot is possessed for 12 years the title will come to daughter her after 12 years? The property was registered in the father's name to avoid legal formalities as the daughter was staying in a different state. Immediate registration of the plot is not possible as the residential layout is still under some litigations.

marcy   14 April 2008 at 01:11

legal status of open car park sold by the builders

In our society, builder has sold the open as well as stilt car park to the members for a consideration amount and the soceity is charging them parking charges in their maintenance bill as per the allotment letter issued by the builder.
We seek advise:
1. Can the society take these members as the owners of these car parks.
2. If not, then what action the society action should take if these members are parking their cars in the place allotted by the builder.
3. As these members have purchased these car parks prior to the foramtion of the society (1999) can the society regularise these car park by a resolution as first come first serve basis.
4. Can you let us know where to get a copy of the High court judgement regarding the sale of open/stilt car park?
thanking you.


Ashish M   13 April 2008 at 23:30

Is Forced Will Valid?????

Dear Sir,

Whether any such 'WILL' will be valid if it is made by the father under the coercion and undue influence of his son? The son has in the past forcebly made the father to sell a house property. and now the father is living in a rented house and has the only shop through which he supports his unmarried daughter, his wife and second son.
The elder son is forcing the father to sell the only shop too to pay off the loans he had taken in the past.
Is their any remedy with the father such as to get the 'WILL' prepared beforehand privately and can such 'Will' be changed unlawfully by the son ????
Pls help......

Atul   13 April 2008 at 13:22

Registration of rent deed and its legal validity

Whether rent agreements prepared on Rs. 50/- stamp paper for renting of commercial shop for a period of 11 months are legally enforceable? Whether such agreements could be registered? Someone has told be that in case of commercial properties, the minimum period of lease should be three years and minimum rent should be Rs. 3000/- for getting the lease deed registered. Is it like this only or otherwise?

Please send your views.

Atul   13 April 2008 at 13:18

Rented Property

I own a property in East Delhi. It is a property on notified commercial road. A part of the property is being used for my residential purpose. The property contains some shops out of which three shops were rented out in around 1985-86 for a very nominal rent viz Rs. 250/- per month each for two shops while Rs. 150/- per month for third shop. At the time of renting the property, a lumsum amount of money of about Rs. 35000-40000/- was taken as security from the tenants in the case of two shops having rent of rs. 250/-p.m. while no security was taken from the third one. Rent has never been increased. No document/agreement was prepared in writing for renting out the property. However, we have been issuing monthly rent receipts to shops having rent of rs. 250/- p.m.

Now the tenants are not vacating the shops. Does the law permits them to do this? Is there any provision in law on the basis of which these shops get vacated?

Please give your veiws and advice.

anand   08 April 2008 at 18:09

Rented property

I stay since last forty years in rented property and recently my landlord sale the said property.
And new landlord says vacant the property they are convert to above property in Shopping mall.
Todays that property value is too much. So what our rights and what we do.
and how to stop that property in convert to Mall.

anand   08 April 2008 at 18:05

Rented property

I stay since last forty years in rented property and recently my landlord sale the said property.
And new landlord says vacant the property they are convert to above property in Shopping mall.
Todays that property value is too much. So what our rights and what we do.
and how to stop that property in convert to Mall.

Ashish M   07 April 2008 at 09:49

Stay on the notice by landlord.

My friend is living in a rented house for the past three yrs.
Now his landlord has given him notice to vacant the house in three months after the last agreement finished off.
But due to financial non-availability to rent in at some other place, he don't want to leave the house and want to extend the agreement for another year.
Landlord is not ready to do so.
could he get any kind of legal help on that like to get a stay on the notice.
He has also recently spent a handsome money on white washing of the house as his landlord refused to do so. Can he get any benefit for the money so spent in case he has to leave the house..
..Pls reply earliest.

thanks in advance.......

Abhash   03 April 2008 at 19:31

rent deed enforceability

i have rented out my house property and has got rent deed signed by taking computerised print of the deed. now i want it to be legally enforceable. so i am thinking to get stamp affixation on the same and getting it attested with notary. will this all serve the purpose or some other formality is also required.

Kishor   01 April 2008 at 20:18

Indemnity Bond


Thanks for such a wonderful forum you started.
I appriciate if you answer my question :

I booked a flat in pune in 2005 and got possession in Dec 2006.
now in Apr 2007, builder is ready to give me completion letter. But he is demanding Rs. 1 Lac for indemnity bond.
I am not sure what is this.
and he did not tell me while purchasing the flat.
Also can you please let me know what is this and who is liable to pay the amount.
