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Mrs. Trupti Patil   25 September 2009 at 16:15

choosing right profession

Dear Sirs

I have just obtained degree in LL.B. from Mumbai University (in September 2009) as an ex-student.

I am already working in a private firm which has no much legal work and seek your guidance about choosing the profession. As per the rules of Bar Council, if I enrol myself as an Advocate, I will have to leave my present job. But i am too much interested in offering my services as an Advocate.

My problem is I am married, 44 years old lady and the only earning member in the family, my husband has lost his job, so cant afford to leave the present job unless i get other job with handsome salary. If I dont enrol myself with Bar Council of Maharashtra & Goa, how can i use my legal degree and my interest and abilities. Are there any firms who appoint legal assistants etc with good salary? At present I am drawing Rs. 12,000/- per month. I require a job which can give me such amount of salary.


Thanks and with kind regards

Mrs. Trupti Patil

Arnab Ray   25 September 2009 at 16:03

Practicing Law in India

Can anyone please let me know the meaning of "practicing law" under Indian Law? Does it include transactional practice also? It will be very helpful if you can give me any website URL or a case citation or any other authority. Regards, Arnab

pallavi   25 September 2009 at 15:16

details of an advocate.

dear sir

plz tell me that if i have registration no of advocate then can i get deatails of him.

if yes then how? which web site?

plz answer my query. my e-mail id is ""

i will be highly oblised to you.

gopal narain mehrotra   24 September 2009 at 22:50

138 N.I. Act

company received a bounced cheque on 29.09.2000 and issued a notice to intimate the party of the bounced cheque notice dated 15.10.2000 but dispatched the same through registered post recipt dated 22.10.2009 and received undelivered by the date mentioned on A.D. is 24.10.2009 by the postal dept. is the notice is within the time prescribed and is maintainable for filing the compalint and if no plase give the judgment on the aforesid case, please.riven

Deepak   24 September 2009 at 17:42

138 of Negotiable Instrument Act.

Lost in Magistrate Court even after producing the following documents
1. Letter to the complainant asking for giving back old cheques and giving part of principle amount
2. Complainant took the principle amount but never acknowledge the same.
3. Complainant gave two dates as to deposit of the cheques one of which is impossible because he cannot remain present in two different places at one time and the other date is impossible because the cheque cannot come with in a day in a bank.riven

AMIN M KESHWANI   24 September 2009 at 15:19

account payeed crossed cheque

I am an Indian. I had issued four crossed account payee cheques canceling bearer words in favour of ICICI Bank Limited. I had given the said security cheques to an agent of ICICI Bank against proposed personal loan who turned out to be a fraud person. He misused two cheques and added his name, account number after the words ICICI Bank Limited. and deposited in his ICICI Bank a/c with Rs.11200/- on one cheque and Rs.8000/- on another cheque. Both the cheques were debited from DCB bank a/c on 18-6-09 and 20-6-09 respectively. Remaining two cheques were stopped by me.
Subsequently, I obtained a photocopy of those two cheques from DCB clearing department which clearly showed that his hand writings were completely different from my handwritings. On enquiry with ICICI Bank, I came to know that he is neither a staff of ICICI bank nor a loan account holder of ICICI Bank. He is merely a customer of the bank. I had written a full stop after the last words Limited. and it was clearly visible. I did not put a line after the words Limited. because the bank from whom I was to get the personal loan would require it for writing my loan a/c number. My intention was to give it to ICICI Bank for loan purpose only and for no other purpose. If my intention was to give the amount to any person, I would straightaway write his name. I will never write the name of the bank first and then the name of the person. Even in the case of dividends received from companies, they first write the name of the payee (shareholders name) and after that they add bank name and bank a/c number of the shareholder.

My question is – Was ICICI Bank right in crediting the amount to its customers account when the first name written on the crossed account payee cheques was of ICICI Bank Limited. ?
Does it matter if first name is of a bank or of a customer? Because I am under the impression that this amount can be credited only in ICICI bank a/c OR any other a/c which is under the control of ICICI bank such as loan a/c and it cannot go to any of the customers a/c of ICICI Bank.
Please advise me as to whether I can claim the loss of Rs.19200/- incurred to me from any of the two banks mentioned above?

umesh harilal chevli   24 September 2009 at 10:51

jmfc exam in gujarat

Dear Experts, which time of gmfc exam in gujarat state pl give me a reply thanking youriven

santhosh   24 September 2009 at 07:01

SEBI Regulations

Hi all Pls guide me on the following
A Chennai based Medium sized listed company would like to accept resignation of its two PROMOTER DIRECTORS ,one of whom is presently having control of the company.

Is it required to obtain shareholders approval to ensure compliance with regulation 12 of the SEBI TAKEOVER code without the need to go in far public announcement/public offer etc before accepting the resignations of the Promoters/Directors ?

Only there are Two Promoter Directors on the Board.
Thnak You!

Shivasurya   23 September 2009 at 16:46

Negotiable Instruments Act

Dear Experts, my client executed sale deed in favour of one X. As per the sale deed, a cheque for Rs.10,00,000/- to be given to my client as sale consideration. But the said X draw an account payee cheque in favour of my client and the X made endorsement of cancellation of cross and encashed the money as my client recived Rs.10,00,000/- as bearer of the cheque by forging the signature of my client with the collusion of the bank. Immediately my client lodged criminal complaint against X and the bank, but it was closed as mistake of facts. My querry is is the bank can pay money to the bearer of the cheque for highvalue cheque of Rs.10,00,000/- after the drawee himself cancelled the cross of cheque. What is the relief for my innocent client.riven

subramanian Ramiah   23 September 2009 at 15:20

unable to pay bank dues

My son has obtained personal loans from
banks . Due to City Limouzines fraud he is
unale to repay the the loans. He was promptly paying so far from remittances received from City Limouzines. His monthly salary is Rs. 10000 only. I want to help him by disposing a property inmy village. If I go for selling urgently it may be fixed at 2lakhs. His dues are around 10 lakhs. Kindly adviseriven