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RANJEET   05 September 2008 at 00:18

against recomended grade pay in 6 th pay commission

hi , i am a member of Armed forces and i want to approach court on matter of grade pay.
in brief- i am falling in BB2 but grade pay recomended is 3400 in stead of 4200. my qualification is diploma in electrical engg. my old pay scale is 5120-100-7120.
presently i am in vishakhapatnam ,please provide me details of advocate dealing with military law.

shantilal k. patel   03 September 2008 at 17:33

Public Litigation

The matters affecting PUBLIC LIMITED companies listed on the STOCK EXCHANGES can be challanged on the basis of PUBLIC INTEREST because large number of shareholders are from public?

If yes why?
If no why?

For example; The firm of auditors are
as per the provisions of the companies act 1956. Later on found that partners of the firm are fighting and even one partner has filed criminal case against other partners. They do not talk to each other.Civil cases are also filed among partners.Even bank account was under stop payment intruction by a parnter for two months.
Can P.I.L be filed to restrain such firm of chartered accountants to act as auditors of public limited companies?

Mithil sharma   01 September 2008 at 17:21

Property Inheritance

Father expired, survived by son (me - married, 2 children), daughter-in-law (wife of my late younger brother who expired in 2004, having two children). We stay in the same house, and I am the sole breadwinner.
How would the property (he built, and where we reside), be distributed?

As of what I understand, my sister (married in 1987 and living in her husband's house) would not get her share:

(30 OF 1956)

23. Where a Hindu intestate has left surviving him or her both male and female heirs specified in class I of the Schedule and his or her property includes a dwelling-house wholly occupied by members of his or her family, then, notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the right of any such female heir to claim partition of the dwelling-house shall not arise until the male heirs choose to divide their respective shares therein; but the female heir shall
be entitled to a right of residence therein:
Provided that where such female heir is a daughter, she shall be entitled to a right of residence in the dwelling house only if she is unmarried or has been deserted by or has separated from her husband or is a widow.

Sanjeev Mohan   31 August 2008 at 14:45

Medical Negligence

What are the circumstances where Gas Gagerine can occur? In a closed wound whether it can occur? Reply with authorities.This is for a case where medical negligence is alleged agaist Doctor and Hospital, I'm for the Doctor.

syedamzadpasha   31 August 2008 at 13:35

about employment

i am the employee of cms computers ltd, i gave the complaint against my superior that he was attending the duties properly and handling the complete work to me and he sold away my companys items illegally i stated that to my company officials, but they are not listening my words and they transfered me from the duty to another place, can i challenged in the court how is it possible, what the sections are applicable, in which court i have to be challenge please intimate me as soon as possible, firstly can i send the legal notice to my company officials, please intimate me as soon as possible

PRIYANKA BHARTI   30 August 2008 at 22:53

law firms in Ranchi( Jharkhand)

I have just received my license and I want to practise. So ,can anyone please suggest me address of some good law firms or lawyers in the city of Ranchi

sujay   30 August 2008 at 18:29

Fixed Deposit Pleding

Would like to know about the Fixed Deposit Pleding.Can Fixed Deposit Receipt pledge as collateral against any loan?

If so what will be the processes included in this?

N.K.Assumi   30 August 2008 at 11:10

Adversary system of Justice:

Should India do away with Adversary system of justice?

Pawan Mittal   29 August 2008 at 10:39

Registration of will

Pankaj Khodaskar   27 August 2008 at 17:55

Membership under Societies Registration Act, 1860

I would like to know that whether Under the Societies Registration Act 1860, can a trust (formed under Bombay Public Trusts Act or Indian Trusts Act) or a society registered under Societies Registration Act, can become a member of the Society

Thanks in anticipation