On April-24-2009, a CA firm certified an account statement of an NGO (running on Govt. Grant) of financial year 2008-09. The next release of money was also done on the basis of that utilization certificate. But now the same man who certified the account statement, wrote a letter and told that there was major lack of transparency in that account. The firm want to revise the account so they are asking the papers again.
What can be the impact of it on the organization and the CA firm?
[I saw a xerox copy of the letter but not the original. So I am not stating the names of the NGO and the firm. the letter is dated 16.06.09 but the NGO received it yesterday (12.10.09)]
legality of combined prayer in same application for restoration of civil suit and Delay condonation in filing application under o9 r 9 of CPC and sec 5 limitation Act Give judgement and citetions for this
A letter from Justice League of India is published in the website given bellow.
As a member of the league, I wrote it to the Election Commission of India.
I want your opinion about the demand I placed.
Thanks in advance
was looking for complete detail of new model bye laws for CHS
what % of extra charges can the society impose on the owner of a shop given on leave & licence .
I have entered in an agreement with one person, Mr Dakesh, for buying a plot here at Horamavu Village, Bangalore. The Seller has forged the documents and has taken an advance of Rs. Three Lakhs and fifty Thousand from me. When asked for the refund of the advance money, he has provided two Cheques, which have bounced twice, due to insiffiecient funds.
Please advice me how I should proceed further to getback my hard earned money back.
I want to know what are the different kinds of civils suits which can be filed in a civil court under different orders of CPC, 1908.
What is order 38 of Civil Procedure code. Does it cover civil suit filed for recovery of receivables not paid by a
P.c. Joshi
Kindly clarify:
I have not settled the final bill from BSNL for Rs.2222/- before my request for disconnection. I requested them to adjust the bill against my deposits totalling in all to around Rs.3000. Their records show only Rs.500/- to my credit before adjustment of the said bill. They claim that they have the right under the Indian Telegraphs Act to get terminated the services provided to me by other service providers in case I do not pay the said sum early. Do they have this right?
Respected Seniors,
One Mr. X filed a Debtor Insolvency petition. There in Mr. X stated that one of his creditor Mr. Y approached him and stated that If you (Mr. X ) transfers all of your properties in my name then i will clear all the debts. Mr. X relied upon the words of Mr. Y and that all of his properties transfered in the name of Mr. Y by way of agreement to sale cum General power of Attoprney. By taking advantage Mr. Y trasfers the said properties in name of his friends and relatives by way oif sale deeds. Hence Mr. X filed the said Petition and prayed the Hon'ble Court that punish Mr. Y according to law and cancel the documents executed by Mr. Y in favour of his friends and relatives and also daclare him as an insolvent. The said Petition was filed by Mr. X with in the 90 days from the date of documents which were executed by Mr. Y.
In the above circumstances what is the legal remedy available to Mr. X.
Thanking you sir in advance.
not accepting as life member
there was trust registered with charity commissioner, the trust purchase a plot and declare they will provide the housing to the members therefore they give membership by making the life members and one member transfer his life membership on my name which i informed the trust vide form D, power of attorney, affidavit trust consider the said doc. and made corresspondence on my address but they refuse to transfer in my name what is the remedy