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bala   02 September 2009 at 18:53

Granting of Injunction


I own a small piece of land in T.Nadu & is let for cultivation. The cultivating tenant has not paid any rent for years and now has issued temporary and permanent injunction notice for me not to enter the land ?
Is this valid ?
How do I counter it and ensure the temporary injunction is NOT granted ?

Pls. reply.


sdkharadkar   02 September 2009 at 17:24

HUF Property

A property/ agri land was purchased by grandfather in 1941. After the expiry of grandfather in 1954, the names of three brothers were entered as legal heirs of the property. In 1957 the property was partitioned between three brothers unqually. the partition deed was registered. Even after this upto ,1991 one of the partitioned property which was shown in the name of elder brother was showing the name of elder brother as HUF Karta and shows that he has two brothers and their names be entered in the 7/12 extract After the expiry the elder brother only the names of sons of elder brothers were entered by Talathi without informing it to the sons of other two brothers . Whether a HUF property can be transferred in this manner ? Can the names of the sons of other two brothers be entered on the 7/12 extracts as per HUF Act. The property was under ULC Act . Why the govt has not acquired the property under ULC ? Whether the name of Elder brother was purposely entered as Karta of HUF to save the property from ULC? Now the ULC file is not available as per govt records, and also it seems that the signatures of other two brothers are not mathcing with their original signatures. Is a fraud? What are the remdies available to get the names of sons of other two brothers entered into the reveue reords ?

NB   02 September 2009 at 16:14

civil suit against public officer by sr. public officer

the respondent is my friend. a civil suit has been filed by the senior officer against the junior officer of the same department(Central govt. employee) in the local district court. Can such type of cases are matter of district civil court? or being service matter is subject matter of central administrative tribunal or while senior was in supervisory capactiy should not act like this.As repondent represented his office several times but recd. no reply. Defamation suit of rs.20000 has been filed by the senior in the name that junior abused him. what type of remedy is available in this case.

Again added on 03-09-2009 : Fact about the case is that after transfer of senior to another place and got stay from the high court cases has been filed against the junior in the district court while such thing not happened at all, moreover In his petition against transfer order before the high court at later stage Sr. included Junior falsely as a respondent in his transfer application in the name junior was creating hindrance in his official work while high court rejected his application. senior officer is doing all becoz of ego issue and to harass junior mentally and morally as office is not taking any action.
Pl. advice accordingly

jatinder koul   02 September 2009 at 10:33

deficiency of service on the part of private company

pls let me know under which section of civil procedure code i can give notice to a private company for deficiency on their part.

queryking   01 September 2009 at 19:56

Re opening of the case

i am the defendant in a eviction suit, the orignal suit is reserved for pronouncing of the judgment, i appeared on the day by filing advance applicaiton when the case was heard and posted for judgment, i filed application to set aside the exparte order. will the court allow me to contest the matter? if my applcation is rejected and judgment is pronounced what options left for me?

Soma   01 September 2009 at 17:24

Right to plead and act

After getting the enrollment letter from Bar Council of West Bengal can I plead and act before High Court of Calcutta?
whether I have to be a member of Bar Association?
What is the need of being a member of Bar Association?

sdkharadkar   01 September 2009 at 10:20

Status quo

A suit was filed in civil court with first class magistrate one year back , the status was ordred by the court. Now the palntiff having submitted all the papers and relevant information say etc, so also the defendants. Now the court has fixed a date to order on the Nishani No 5 ie regarding status quo. Whether the status can converted into the stay upto the final hearing of the case ,
If status quo is vacated what are the remedies availbale, whether an appeal can be made to Dist Magistrate, what is time limit, and stamp duety for the appeal , what are effects of the vacation of staus quo

Anil   01 September 2009 at 06:00

Need List of Good Civil Attorneys in Hyderabad/Secunderabad


I would appreciate if anyone can update me with a list of Experienced and Good Civil Attorneys in Hyderabad/Secunderabad , Andhra Pradesh


P. Rajan Nair   31 August 2009 at 21:40

Inheritance by an PIO Holder

I own agricultural property and am not married, I want to will it to my brother who hols a foreign citizenship (who cannot buy agricultural property in the country. I am over 60 years of age and want to will the agricultural property to my brother

SHYAMSUNDAR   31 August 2009 at 17:41

Probate and Codicil

What does probate and Codicil mean?
Plz clarify
When they are to be obtained?

Thanks in advance.