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Pardeep jagdeva   27 January 2009 at 17:09

Tax reward

i have filled a writ petition against the tax department for a reward of 10% in which i need some jugdments (in this matter a person gave information to tax department about those who avoid to pay the tax after that a search was conducted by the tax department and informer was entitled a reward of 10% on recovery and tax assessed by the tax department and the department has failed to pay the reward.)

akshay   26 January 2009 at 00:11

Legal Aid to Indigent Person

Whether a Senior advocate is bound to provide legal aid to an indigent person u/s 304 of Cr.P.C.

Can he refuse to accept the case on the ground that he is offered low fees according to his skills & experience.

If he refuse to accept such case then is it violative of Article 21, 22(1)(c) & 39A.

Can he take the defence that the state is preventing him from practising his profession under Article 19(1)(g).

N.K.Assumi   24 January 2009 at 16:55

Right to Contest an Election a fundamental rights?

Is right to contest in State legislature, Panchayat Raj, Municipal etc a fundamental rights?

Aniket Giri   23 January 2009 at 13:48

fundamental Rights.....

Sate Legislation of Gujarat enacted a piece of legislation namely “The Gujarat Panchayati Raj, 2001. U/S. 12 of which a person with more than 2 living children has been disqualified for election of panchayats of each level and resultantly debarring from holding the office in Panchayati Raj Institutions to popularize family welfare program & family planning program. Md. Hafiz a permanent inhabitant of Gujarat having 5 sons & 4 daughters living through a writ before the Gujarat High Court challenged the said Act inter-alia on the following grounds:-
1) That the provision of the said Act is arbitral and discriminatory and consistently violating of Article 14 of the constitution.(Art.14)
2) That the provision of the said Act adversely affects the liberty of leading personal life in all its freedom & having as many children as one pleases to have and therefore against the spirit of Article 21 of the constitution.
3) That the provision of the said Act interferes with the freedom of religion as it is the policy of Muslims that to have more children means more nearness to Allah and therefore against the preamble objectives of the secular state as well as is hampering the fundamental right to freedom of religion guaranteed in Article 25 of the constitution.

Negativiting the contentions, the High Court opined that the problem of population explosion is a national and global issue which provides justification for priority in policy oriented legislation whenever needed and accordingly uphold the action of the state.

Being aggrieved and dissatisfied the petitioner filled an appeal before the Supreme Court, the next date of which has been fixed on 2nd July, 2009 for hearing.

Please give me suggestions, how to plead for this case on behalf of either the PLAITIFF......

Vedchetan Patil   22 January 2009 at 23:44

Impeachment of judges

If the committee set by speaker for impeachment of a judge is not constituted as per the provisions under Judges inquiry act then is it a valid impeachment as per the laws

magesh   20 January 2009 at 15:40


Wheather prior notice is mandatory before intiation of Arbitration proceedings?

M.A.T.Ganesan   15 January 2009 at 23:07


Can a person of Indian origin, having American citizenship get employment and work in India?

Kamlesh soni   15 January 2009 at 07:52

about right to information what i can do?

Respected Sir,
I had applied for passport on 6/4/04.
but still i cant have the passport. passport office said that they had despetch it on 7/7/ 04. so our duty is whatever you want about passport go Post office. Now sir, the question is that I had paid the full fees to the passport office. I m being the customer of passport office. so whatever i want about passport why cant get it from passport office. is passport office says me like that? whose responsibility to provide my passport?Please give the adive which help me to get passport

B.N.Rajamohamed   13 January 2009 at 22:46


Can I invoke the writ jurisdiction personally to compell the district municipal corporation to reduce the property tax they have resolved to collect through a writ of mandamas . What is the procedure to be adopted ?

advocate satya   12 January 2009 at 13:30

black film on cars

recently women organisation is sending letter to chief minister, and commissioner of police to impose ban on black flim on car glass, the question is
do this will reduce the rape cases in car?
do this mean that right of privacy is not at all there as if we are going in a car with transparant glass with ladies do the anti social elements not use to follow the car as they take glimpse of who is sitting inside?
do this mean many rape cases if happening in houses all the houses shall be made of glass?
i think cars are a private place of individuals and right of privacy should be there , if law requires decrease in number of cases of rape happening in cars the cars with black films can be checked and this is the duty of police dept, imposing a ban on black films is not the solution as this will effect the privacy of common man.
pls share your thoughts on this issue?