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shivraj   16 January 2009 at 22:37

preferntial right

In one case the uncle of ‘X’ sold out his property to ‘Y’ which is joint in nature.
Can ‘X’ is able to get preferential right u/Hindu succession act for purchase the property?
Detail as follows:-

If the partition deed made in the 5 Rs. Stamp paper in the year 1977 shall be bound upon the heirs?

Can u/sec 22(1) of Hindu succession act preferential right can applied to the Nephew of the uncle?

Can after separation of immovable property separate property sold out? Can partition deed challenge under the law?

After partition deed is it possible to claim preferential right?

Please give the reference any case laws relating this case.

jitendra   13 January 2009 at 23:06

conversion of an christan to hindu faith

please inform me about legal procedure to convert a christan girl above 18 years .after conversion is it necessary to change her name &ot publish it in gazzate

jitendra   13 January 2009 at 23:05

conversion of an christan to hindu faith

please inform me about legal procedure to convert a christan girl above 18 years .after conversion is it necessary to change her name &ot publish it in gazzate

jitendra   13 January 2009 at 23:05

conversion of an christan to hindu faith

please inform me about legal procedure to convert a christan girl above 18 years .after conversion is it necessary to change her name &ot publish it in gazzate

jitendra   13 January 2009 at 23:04

conversion of an christan to hindu faith

please inform me about legal procedure to convert a christan girl above 18 years .after conversion is it necessary to change her name &ot publish it in gazzate

Ranganath   12 January 2009 at 20:22

Reg RCR and Marriage expense.

Our marriage had lasted for only 5 days, and there is an allegation
that I had sent an SMS from my mobile to her mobile that I entered
into the marriage under pressure and I was infact interested in
another girl. I came to know about the complete SMS in the police
station where she had attached a copy of the chat SMS which they got
by bribing the mobile service provider. The chat started by asking
me if i had married her under pressure.

In this case they have to prove that it is me who has sent it,
though the SMS is from my mobile. What actually happended was her
father first came to our house and took her mobile during that she
was using my mobile. Looks like they have done this in consultaiton
with a lawyer in their own house.

Learned members of this group,

1. What can be the possible decision on my RCR petition.
2.Will the judge give benefit of doubt in her favor and say that
there is reason for her desertion and RCR cannot be ordered.

3.Can they claim marriage expenses in that case. IS there any such

4.Based on the same SMS message there is an FIR u/s 420 alleging
that I deceived her to enter into the marraige without having any
interest to marry her.

5. Is this a cognizable offense requiring police investigation on
whether I had married her under pressure. There is forged allegation
of dowry demand in complaint but the offense is not registered under
DP act. In the FIR she had mentioend that I refused for nullity and
expressed her unwillingness for re-union.

Your advise and suggestions are highly appreciated.


MOHAN ILAYARAJA   11 January 2009 at 16:06

women agianst domestic voilence act

whether women against domestic volilence act has been extented to u.t.of pondicherry if so when it has been extended

without extending can case be filed under theAct?

Mrudula   10 January 2009 at 13:57

daughters' claim in case she is married

In one case the father died intested leaving behind two son and one daughter (all married). Everyone of the three are the nominee of One Plot each. But there is one more plot in the name of deceased. Now obviously the plot will be alloted to TWO SONS. but what about the daughter? Can she calim on that plot? I had read in hindu Act, that if the daughter is married before a particular year she can't claim for father's estate. (In present case the daughter had married in 1987) Please guide me in this situation. tell me the exact year. (in this case we are not willing to give her)

weettute   09 January 2009 at 16:10

mental harassment for dowry

Can an unvisible mental harassment by inlaws and husband to a newly wedded girl for dowry be complained for redressal and punishement to the offenders. What is the procedure and how long it takes to settle the issue. Whether the inlaws against whom the compalaint is lodged can sue the complainant if they are not found guildy due to insufficient evidence or due to their resourcefulness.