Before 3 and half year of due to our dispute we become separate and she filed 498A , 325 , 323 , 406 and
125 against me.Because her extra marital affair with evidence, i don't want her to back in my life , I
am facing court trail from that time , .I have a boy child of 6 years who lives with her, i came to know
that before 1 Month ago she marries with another guy and living with him as her wife ... and even she
demanding settlement money to me to clear all court matters on me, I know where she go for second
marriage , i know the place with whom she lives but i dont have any physical proof of her second
marriage , Please Guide me What can i do to come out from all the matters and legally divorce from her
.., She goes with second husband and my child is at my father in law's place , they are not giving
custody of my child to me , they want settlement money to give my child back ,,, what can i do legally
to get divorse from her and get back my child , please guide me ....
Hi All,
I got a loan in 2008 and i had 2 bank credit cards also. At that time i felt with major accident. And my financial situation went bad, and i cant pay loan, Once i got recover. i paID the loan amount and close the Loan and Credit cards.
Now 2014 onwards i'm maintaining consumer loan & credit cards are perfectly.
Currently now im trying to get personal loan, but my application got rejected because of in cibil reflect like defaulter at 2008 period.
Kindly give me a idea. how to recover from the current situation.
My date of birth in Birth certificate is wrong. I was born in 16-05-1988 but it was issued in 05-11-1988. The DOB in all other documents are 16-05-1988.
So please someone tell me how to change my DOB in birth certificate.
Respected Expert,
I'm the owner of a flat in a residential apartment which is still under builders administration, there is NO owners association or byelaws.
Now one of the resident has started a preschool within the society by renting another flat.
This preschool is a nuisance as continuously whole day there is noise from the kids in the school and lots of strangers enter the apartment premises which is difficult to monitor from security perspective.
Other members do not object as the building is 99% occupied by tenants most owners are NRIs
Please advice as to what legal action can be taken in this regard.
Lok adalat for child custody and visiting right
My cousin has filed for child custody and interim visiting rights till the pendancy of the case, 4 months ago in Ahmedabad. Till date respondent did not file their response and mere counselling at lawyers' level done having no result. During last hearing Judge transferred the case to Lok Adalat with the consent of both the parties lawyers.
Now the question is :
Lok adalat will do only counselling or they can pass order on the application of interim visitation right (for the welfare of the child) even if one party doesn't agree for the terms ?