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Dushyant Pandya   23 December 2016 at 14:14

Power of attorney of shareholer

What are the Powers of the PoA of shareholder and defined under which section or rule

Up to what extend the PoA act and deal with the company on behalf of the shareholder

Please help and/or advice for better clarity

Dushyant Pandya   02 June 2013 at 14:36

Slp against lpa

Dear Sir/Madam,
Gender: Female
I am married with two children aged 15 & 11 years.
My Qualification :BA
My Occupation: Part time Faculty with English speaking academy (Remuneration 7500/-)
Father: Expired. Occupation, Retd IRS Officer.
Mother: Alive House wife Qualification:8th std Inherited Property from her father(No Male progeny,only two females).
Brothers: 2
Elder brother:
Qualification 12th fail (Sci, Arts & Commerce) looking after agriculture ( Agri land belonging to his mother and some gifted by his maternal grand father)
During last 15 years he tried so many businesses from the money of his maternal grand father, father & mother. Do not know the profitability. Investments made by my father & mother.
Younger Brother:
Qualification BE MBA(US)? Stayed in USA for almost 6 years. Do not know whether completed MBA.Money sent to him to USA by my father, during his stay at USA. He was working in TESCCO b'lore as financial executive. His education loan was repaid by selling the property of my father. Presently after death of my father resigned from the job and doing agriculture on the land of my mother. Staying in one of the houses of my father.
Sister: 1 11th std fail.Married to a Police Inspector.

Husband (Son of my fathers one only sister): Qualification: BSc.Was pursuing CA,however could not complete because of ill health.Operated twice on his head for his hydrocephalus within two years.Now working in a private co as accountant.
Parents in law:Retired teachers.Not staying with us for the last 10 years.
We are staying in our in laws house.
Iam born in Moola Nakshatra.My parents wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. My mother forced me to get married when I was in 8th std.My parents had lots of difference and my mother went into deep depression and always stayed aloof frequently visited Psychiatrist. Childhood witnessed lots of disharmony. Our upbringing was done by neighbors and relatives. Father hardly stayed with us. Used visit us every 15 days, And always drunk heavily. Used fight harshly with my mother. They dragged me into the fight, my mother used to scold me for that. Due to this I went into depression and attempted for suicide during my college days.
My husband was career conscious and had rejected my marriage proposal (wish of my paternal grand father).I blackmailed him that I would die if I would not get married to him. He finally after 4 years agreed.
My marriage took place along with my brother commonly. My husband was still learning(CA).My father had said he will take the responsibility of us, as he wanted his son to get married as he feared that he will go astray. Just before marriage my father through a Muslim fakir suggested to my husband that my husband is not good for his daughter (me).

Lots of differences were created by my parents & brother between me, my husband and my in laws. My parents right from my marriage wanted that me and my husband to stay separately from my in laws. He (my father) even suggested me to come and stay with him. He was posted in the place I am staying (my in laws)today. He frequently took me forcibly by using my younger sister (16 years younger to me). It was I who took care of her and was deeply attached to her. He used this as tool and took away me from my husband. I was helpless in my father’s game. I was the pillar in my maternal home ,it was I who took care and bonded everybody before my marriage. After my marriage it was difficult for them to handle themselves. So they tried to keep me with them. Which I was not interested.
During this process lots of differences were crept in with my husband and in laws.
Just after our marriage my elder brother who was not interested in the marriage stared treating his wife very badly. My father took my and my husbands help to resolve the differences.
During this we lost our married happiness and also our career.
10 Years back I went into depression and attempted for suicide as my husband lost a job (after two major operations to his head) and my father had been repeatedly telling me that my husband's career is finished. He for one year constantly suggested my husband also to stay away from my parents citing that my parents are not good people.
For quite some time I was getting depressive thoughts and had shared the same with my husband who gave me lots of courage but it never helped me. On that particular day I had been getting that depressive thoughts and my husband asked me calm down, helped me to think properly, but I lost my control. I swallowed tablets of my husband as he was still on medication after his head surgery. My husband hospitalized me after I said I had attempted for suicide. My brother assaulted my husband in the hospital, as he was angry because my husband intimated few relatives. And my parents never visited me for 15 days. This caused lots of uneasiness for my husband.
After that a Psychiatrist had suggested counseling for me. My parents came and took me along with them for counseling. But did not and sent me back without counseling. This annoyed my husband very much. My husband knew about my suicide attempt during college.
After that things went worst. My father threatened my husband that he would kill him and my brother threatened of dowry harassment case against my husband and in laws and I too threatened my in laws. This caused to my in laws started living separately away from us with their daughter in the same city.
My father became very insecure about my life but my husband very self respecting man never asked any help.
Though my parents offered a House he rejected.
My husband with an intention to help me of counseling asked my parent the details of my 1st suicide attempt, but my parents denied the act that such event (my 1st suicide attempt) never happened. This has caused lots of doubts in my husband’s mind against me. My father had a opinion that my in laws tried to kill me, which is not correct.
Now my sister in law (brother wife) teased me that I sent out my in laws which was not true. That made me very upset. I requested my in laws to allow me to stay with them but they did not agree. I was very mush upset. I though that their daughter is influencing them against me. This has made my husband very angry, as he feels that it is not correct.
In the mean while I have teased my husband as sexually impotent after two children, as he was getting too tired after sex and avoided it. And also he had suggested me of sex transmutation during initial years of marriage, which made me very upset.
Now owing to the above he even doubts my character. He cites that my parents only have made me a liar.
Now my husband has shared all this with my parent & brother and no body is doing any thing for this.
Now the present status is that all the relatives are distancing from me. Even my husband has stopped living with me and not supporting financially.
Now mother, brothers want the maximum share in the property .
My father became blind after high sugar and was on dialysis for almost one year.
My Father’s Property:
Self made:
Two RCC Houses
Plots sold (?) when alive: Three and do not know the utilization of Consideration received on the sale proceeds?
House sold –Two, Beneficiary?
Do not know the utilization of his retirement benefits like PF EL Gratuity.
Do not the investments made by him in FD, Gold, and Silver.
My Mothers Property:
Agri land 20 Acre
Gold Silver and Investments in FD –Value not known
Utilization of My grandfathers, Investments, Gold and Silver not known.
Please guide me as to claim my share in the property. As compared to my brothers I have not been treated equally.

Sudhir Lohar   02 June 2013 at 14:36

Property of my parents

Dear Sir/Madam,
Gender: Female
I am married with two children aged 15 & 11 years.
My Qualification :BA
My Occupation: Part time Faculty with English speaking academy (Remuneration 7500/-)
Father: Expired. Occupation, Retd IRS Officer.
Mother: Alive House wife Qualification:8th std Inherited Property from her father(No Male progeny,only two females).
Brothers: 2
Elder brother:
Qualification 12th fail (Sci, Arts & Commerce) looking after agriculture ( Agri land belonging to his mother and some gifted by his maternal grand father)
During last 15 years he tried so many businesses from the money of his maternal grand father, father & mother. Do not know the profitability. Investments made by my father & mother.
Younger Brother:
Qualification BE MBA(US)? Stayed in USA for almost 6 years. Do not know whether completed MBA.Money sent to him to USA by my father, during his stay at USA. He was working in TESCCO b'lore as financial executive. His education loan was repaid by selling the property of my father. Presently after death of my father resigned from the job and doing agriculture on the land of my mother. Staying in one of the houses of my father.
Sister: 1 11th std fail.Married to a Police Inspector.

Husband (Son of my fathers one only sister): Qualification: BSc.Was pursuing CA,however could not complete because of ill health.Operated twice on his head for his hydrocephalus within two years.Now working in a private co as accountant.
Parents in law:Retired teachers.Not staying with us for the last 10 years.
We are staying in our in laws house.
Iam born in Moola Nakshatra.My parents wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. My mother forced me to get married when I was in 8th std.My parents had lots of difference and my mother went into deep depression and always stayed aloof frequently visited Psychiatrist. Childhood witnessed lots of disharmony. Our upbringing was done by neighbors and relatives. Father hardly stayed with us. Used visit us every 15 days, And always drunk heavily. Used fight harshly with my mother. They dragged me into the fight, my mother used to scold me for that. Due to this I went into depression and attempted for suicide during my college days.
My husband was career conscious and had rejected my marriage proposal (wish of my paternal grand father).I blackmailed him that I would die if I would not get married to him. He finally after 4 years agreed.
My marriage took place along with my brother commonly. My husband was still learning(CA).My father had said he will take the responsibility of us, as he wanted his son to get married as he feared that he will go astray. Just before marriage my father through a Muslim fakir suggested to my husband that my husband is not good for his daughter (me).

Lots of differences were created by my parents & brother between me, my husband and my in laws. My parents right from my marriage wanted that me and my husband to stay separately from my in laws. He (my father) even suggested me to come and stay with him. He was posted in the place I am staying (my in laws)today. He frequently took me forcibly by using my younger sister (16 years younger to me). It was I who took care of her and was deeply attached to her. He used this as tool and took away me from my husband. I was helpless in my father’s game. I was the pillar in my maternal home ,it was I who took care and bonded everybody before my marriage. After my marriage it was difficult for them to handle themselves. So they tried to keep me with them. Which I was not interested.
During this process lots of differences were crept in with my husband and in laws.
Just after our marriage my elder brother who was not interested in the marriage stared treating his wife very badly. My father took my and my husbands help to resolve the differences.
During this we lost our married happiness and also our career.
10 Years back I went into depression and attempted for suicide as my husband lost a job (after two major operations to his head) and my father had been repeatedly telling me that my husband's career is finished. He for one year constantly suggested my husband also to stay away from my parents citing that my parents are not good people.
For quite some time I was getting depressive thoughts and had shared the same with my husband who gave me lots of courage but it never helped me. On that particular day I had been getting that depressive thoughts and my husband asked me calm down, helped me to think properly, but I lost my control. I swallowed tablets of my husband as he was still on medication after his head surgery. My husband hospitalized me after I said I had attempted for suicide. My brother assaulted my husband in the hospital, as he was angry because my husband intimated few relatives. And my parents never visited me for 15 days. This caused lots of uneasiness for my husband.
After that a Psychiatrist had suggested counseling for me. My parents came and took me along with them for counseling. But did not and sent me back without counseling. This annoyed my husband very much. My husband knew about my suicide attempt during college.
After that things went worst. My father threatened my husband that he would kill him and my brother threatened of dowry harassment case against my husband and in laws and I too threatened my in laws. This caused to my in laws started living separately away from us with their daughter in the same city.
My father became very insecure about my life but my husband very self respecting man never asked any help.
Though my parents offered a House he rejected.
My husband with an intention to help me of counseling asked my parent the details of my 1st suicide attempt, but my parents denied the act that such event (my 1st suicide attempt) never happened. This has caused lots of doubts in my husband’s mind against me. My father had a opinion that my in laws tried to kill me, which is not correct.
Now my sister in law (brother wife) teased me that I sent out my in laws which was not true. That made me very upset. I requested my in laws to allow me to stay with them but they did not agree. I was very mush upset. I though that their daughter is influencing them against me. This has made my husband very angry, as he feels that it is not correct.
In the mean while I have teased my husband as sexually impotent after two children, as he was getting too tired after sex and avoided it. And also he had suggested me of sex transmutation during initial years of marriage, which made me very upset.
Now owing to the above he even doubts my character. He cites that my parents only have made me a liar.
Now my husband has shared all this with my parent & brother and no body is doing any thing for this.
Now the present status is that all the relatives are distancing from me. Even my husband has stopped living with me and not supporting financially.
Now mother, brothers want the maximum share in the property .
My father became blind after high sugar and was on dialysis for almost one year.
My Father’s Property:
Self made:
Two RCC Houses
Plots sold (?) when alive: Three and do not know the utilization of Consideration received on the sale proceeds?
House sold –Two, Beneficiary?
Do not know the utilization of his retirement benefits like PF EL Gratuity.
Do not the investments made by him in FD, Gold, and Silver.
My Mothers Property:
Agri land 20 Acre
Gold Silver and Investments in FD –Value not known
Utilization of My grandfathers, Investments, Gold and Silver not known.
Please guide me as to claim my share in the property. As compared to my brothers I have not been treated equally.

Dushyant Pandya   02 June 2013 at 14:21



Every judgment of Supreme Court having word that leave granted.

What is meaning of Leave or under what law it is defined?

Please advise.

Dushyant Pandya   02 June 2013 at 14:15

Writ petition


Writ Petition filed under article 226 and same was rule by Hon'ble High Court.

Willing to know effect and meaning of "RULE"

Please advise.

Dushyant Pandya   23 May 2013 at 14:09

Auction of structure erected on lease land

Land allotted on lease and accordingly structure was erected. Now, after expiry as per renewal clause lease required to be renewed, but through auction. As per renewal clause first right of refusal lying with existing lessee, who has erected structure on lease land.

Is existing owner required to bid in auction for claiming first right of refusal?

Please advise.

Dushyant Pandya   09 October 2012 at 16:49


Port Authorities had allotted lands on lease basis for development. The said leases were expired. Inspite of in ascending order only targeted lessees are evicted by port authorities and rest are enjoying inspite of leases were expired.

Is it not discrimination?

Dushyant Pandya   09 October 2012 at 16:38

Structures on lease land

Port Authorities had allotted land on lease basis having renewal clause. Accordingly, huge structure was erected on the said land by investing huge amount. Financial support was taken with the prior concern of Port Authorities. The said lease is having renewal clause also. After the expiry of lease, lessee had applied for renewal and accordingly renewed for shorter period against agreed period. Now, shorter period of renewal was expired and port authority demanding back the land. Issued eviction notice and stop all the activities. Port Authority taken possession of the land and structure lying on the said land and informed that after expiry structure belongs to them as not clear by lessee within notice period.

Is any right of lessee on structure?

Dushyant Pandya   12 June 2012 at 02:07


Lease was executed with Government having renewal clause. Lease was expired by afflux of time and before expiry renewal application was moved. Government is under obligation to honor renewal clause. But, acting contrary and therefore same was challenged before Hon’ble Court. Meanwhile, Government is taking symbolic possession.

What are the available ways to protect the possession in laws?

Dushyant Pandya   02 February 2012 at 09:14

Lease of govt land

Govt. allotted west land on lease basis for commercial purpose. Accordingly developed and putted under utilization. Lease Expired. Now, huge infrastructure exists on lease land and Govt. willing to auction.

Is auction with possession is permissible under law?