Is Leave and License agreement applicable in Uttar Pradesh, Ghaziabad to be precise?
What are different tenancy agrrement are in vogue at Ghaziabad and safe for Landlord?
my sister was married 1 year ago with a boy whose mother,father died in a accident before marriage and have only one sister studying abroad and boy and his mama shows us that he is well established in property business and having number of properties and kgs. of gold in lockers but after 4 months of marriage we came to know that boy has to pay large amount of credit in the market and huge amount of home loan is pending and now he started misbehaving with girl not giving a single penny to her for petrol, cloths and basic needs of life and persude her to bring money from your brother now we bring the girl to our home and now he is not attending our phone calls and his mama says that he cant do anything in one word boy becomes "gunda" please advise me what can i do in this situation and please suggest me the best punishment under ipc for that type of immoral husband.. and in this case boys sister is also playing negative role sitting abroad she is remote control from there, is there any law under which we can punish his sister also...
my sister was married 1 year ago with a boy whose mother,father died in a accident before marriage and have only one sister studying abroad and boy and his mama shows us that he is well established in property business and having number of properties and kgs. of gold in lockers but after 4 months of marriage we came to know that boy has to pay large amount of credit in the market and huge amount of home loan is pending and now he started misbehaving with girl not giving a single penny to her for petrol, cloths and basic needs of life and persude her to bring money from your brother now we bring the girl to our home and now he is not attending our phone calls and his mama says that he cant do anything in one word boy becomes "gunda" please advise me what can i do in this situation and please suggest me the best punishment under ipc for that type of immoral husband
dear sir, i had taken a property in 1995 in cash for 95,000 from My Unlce, but failed to get transfered.Now i am ready to do the agreement,1. can a gift deed help me to get registered in my name and by paying the SD n Regstn fees, if so what is the format for the same as per gift deed.. any act.
the property is in Mumbai.
kindly help
thanks n regds
Good Morning to all Experts from Raj Kumar Makkad, Advocate
When I tried to open my account and tried to post the replies against the quarried raised, I was not allowed to reply by site. I dont know what is the problem but a line is apprearing there "t
You need to be the querist or approved Lawyersclubindia expert to take part in this query . "
You all know that I am presently at top of experts hall of fame and have 18th place among top 30 members.
What wrong has been done on my part and why I am debarred?
Please help me and use your impact to allow me to take part in the activities of the cite as earlier.
Raj Kumar Makkad
who is the incharge of lawyers club india
or who is president of lawyers club india
In a civil miscellaneous case under order 8 rule 13 of CPC filed in the court in which the munsiff court passed an order in default of time,the applicant moved the high court for reopen the case on ground of that court has dismissed the case on default in the process of part wittness and high court subsequently passed an order and directed to the lower court for reopen the case and mention the condition that the applicant will deposit Rs.2500 within the perioud of producing the order in the court,the matter is that the applicant produced the order before the court on March 2009 and thereafter the court became vacant due to transfer of the munsiff and at last the applicant deposite the amount in September 2009. I want to know that any legal provison can be plead for acceptance of the said amount to the opposit party and continue the case in the said court or any other remedy in the matter?
My mother has 1 elder brother. After her parents expired, her brother has made property papers and forged her signature to sell some properties and stake his claim on some. he also lives in our ancestral home in goa. we learnt about the forgery and sale of properties through some family friends in goa. what can my mother do to stop this blatant cheating ? Properties left behind by my mom's bachelor and spinster uncle and aunties have also been claimed by him.
My mother has 1 elder brother. After her parents expired, her brother has made property papers and forged her signature to sell some properties and stake his claim on some. he also lives in our ancestral home in goa. we learnt about the forgery and sale of properties through some family friends in goa. what can my mother do to stop this blatant cheating ? Properties left behind by my mom's bachelor and spinster uncle and aunties have also been claimed by him.
Is Long Term Capital Gain Tax applicable on sell of property
Hi Expert Panelists,
I have a question about LONG TERM CAPITAL GAIN TAX.
(1) I have purchased a residential flat in March’06
(2) I had a residential Plot only (without any accommodation built on it).I held it for more than 20 years. Recently I sold it in March ‘07. I am under impression that no LTCG is payable for immovable properties, like Shares and Stocks.
(3) I had a commercial Property held for more than 25/30 years.I sold it in March’08
The purchase cost of residential Flat purchased in March’06 is more than the total receipt of residential plot and commercial property.
In view of above do I have to pay any LTCGain? If yes at what rate?
I will be obliged to have your views on the subject matter.
Bhasker 07/11/091110 hrs