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Anonymous   02 November 2009 at 17:27

Will and Partition

If the property in question is in dispute of partition with intestate will and partition suit is still active in High Court . Can either party construct house without the knowledge of other party or the concern Court when either one of them staying far off from the place of dispute. What will be the result on both the parties. In this condition what verdict will court offer. Can justice be done. When one party is already obtained stay order as well as status quo in the court.

Anonymous   02 November 2009 at 17:20


I File partition suit against my sister who is holding fabricated and bogus will from my deceased mother. Case is still pending in the court. The will is not probated nor registered but notarised. Can my sister have a right to construct the house even the case is not yet decided.

Anonymous   02 November 2009 at 16:30

Maintainability of an Un Registered Xerox copy of Will:

Respected Sir,

Subject: Maintainability of an Un Registered Xerox copy of Will:

“A” is the Sister of B and C. B and C are the brothers. A and B are died. Now the wife and sons of B are claiming 1/4th share on the basis of a Xerox copy of an un-registered will duly executed by A in her life time. The Legal heirs of B now instituted a civil suit for partition and a separate possession on basis of the above will. Whereas C is defending that there is no will executed by A in her lifetime and it is a concocted one. Hence C is praying the court to dismiss the suit. Actually Legal heirs of B have filed the above suit on a Xerox copy of un registered will. And they are also further stating that B and C and the father of A have purchased the lands in favour of A. In this we are for C.

So in this, I want to need ur opinion.

1. How the suit is got numbered on the basis of a Xerox copy of un registered Will Nama.
2. How the suit is going to be dismissed.
3. Is there any judgments against this case.
4. Is there any possibility to dismiss the suit at the trial stage?

bindhu   02 November 2009 at 14:18

repeted question

this is repeted question because i did not mention wether my mother is alive or not

am hindu male
my mother made will in my name
now that immoveabe property is in mothers name
my mother is no more
now i want to make a will in my sons name
my question is
i have not transwered that property in my name so far, can i make a will without transwering that property in my name

Anonymous   02 November 2009 at 14:10

appeal agaist d.c (vat u.p)




Anonymous   02 November 2009 at 13:46

regarding change of name in andhrapradesh

i want to change my name through ap gazette . so pls tell me the procedeure and also tell me to whom i have to send an application . means address of the official which i have to send the application form . pls reply me to my mail .

prakash vathore   02 November 2009 at 13:20

limitation act

what is the time limit for filing an appeal against the order passed by the single judge original side bombay high court?

Anonymous   02 November 2009 at 13:15


mr a is a bank officer and he is allegely inovlved in a bribe case and the matter was enquired in the cbi court and judgment came against mr.a and the bank dismissed him from service long back. at that time he was not paid anything and since then he is not getting any exgratia ftrom the bank. this happened eitht yearsback and mr. a also kept quiet as he did not want to extend the litigation and went for appeal in thigh court and the case is still pending

what is his right under constitutional law to live and maintgain his family without any source of income. he is neither getting any benfefit nor any pension he stuggled all these eight yers and without the kknowledge of thelaw and fear of inviting more problems and no guidanance to him as per constitutional law, has he any right undercontitutional alw to get back his benefits from thenationalised bank

kindly advise him and if possible please refer a good and famous advocate in hyhderabd

thank yousir

Anonymous   02 November 2009 at 13:06

Information about Bombay Police act

Dear Sir,
I am running An ice-cream Parlour.I would like to know How many legal Licences required to run th Ice-cream Parlour. Whether the B.P Act 33(1)(w)/131 is applicable to run the ice-cream parlour business.

PISUPATI RAVI KUMAR   02 November 2009 at 12:44


For CAs, ICWAs and Company Secretaries Govt. of India has made more favours to practice by Statutory Audity, engaging a Company Secretary depending on the Paid up Capital etc. In the same way Govt. of India should take steps to involve the Law Professionals in sveral areas - is it not?