Whether magistrate can correct the clerical mistake in his bail order? If yes under what Sections of Cr.P.C.?
If He does so after the copy of such order has been issued, is it an irregularity?
Many Cooperative Societies in Maharasthra conduct their Annual General Meetings and even the election process on a Public Holiday. My views that the election process should not occur on a Public Holiday and also the AGM should not be conducted on a Public Holiday, including Sunday. While the Companies Act, specifically bar companies from holding the shareholder's meeting on a Public Holiday, I am unable to find a specific bar/reference in the Maharasthra Cooperative Societies Act, the Model Bye Laws or the regulations. Would appreciate if the Forum Experts throw some light on this critical aspect.
kindly tell me under which provision i can move an application for interim bail of the accused(Juvenile) who is confined in Reform home (jail) in murder case on the ground of his examination to be held from next week.Thanx
Dear Sir,
I didnot get exact reply from the members as many of the opinion were differ from each other
so, i quoting once gain
That the Hon'ble Tribunal has refused to entertain my request for filing the written arguments.Respecting the advice/direction given by the court, I decide not to file the same But I want to file the citations and judgements summary/brief of some case so that it may help in applicability of the ratio-decidi /judgments before prononcement of the order
So, keeping on above perspective in what manner I should file the citations
Whether by M.A(Miscllanous Application) ???
Please inform whether supporting affidavit is essential???
I will gartful if any member help me in very-very brief outline
Thanking you in anticipation
& Regards
In a Telugu news channel I had seen a news clipping that in A.P. the present C.M.Mr.K.Rosaiah have no constitutional validity to continue as C.M. The learned Advocate on Petitioner side arguing that the present CM has to prove majority to continue as C.M.. For taking no action against continuation of present C.M. it is stated on the TV scrolling that in the suit Governer of A.P is going to make a respondent.
Is it possiable?
Please clarify.
hi im new lawyer i wanted 2 no how i can do inspection of a case in which im neither 4m accused nor 4m state side but i wana see the file of Avnish Bajaj Vs. State (N.C.T. Delhi)
case judgment is done in fav. of Accused. actually i need state,s point of view in that case for my son who is doing Law 4m NLU pl. if any one can help me
sir I want to know these questions?
1) what documents should I bring from the clerk of a bank, in which the cheque was submitted while summoning him, in a cheque bounce case and what questions should I ask him in his examination in chief?
2) what documents should I bring from the clerk of the bank in which the cheque was send for clearence, while summoning him, in a cheque bounce case and what questions should I ask him in his examination in chief?
hi, i would like to know what will be the court fees payable in a suit for possession in respect of the rented flat in the bombay city?
Dear Members,
Can some one mail me copy of the judgement given by Punjab and Hariyana high court
Ansals Housing and Properties Limited Vs State of Haryana and others reported as (2000)1 PLR (PB) 663.
letters patent appeal
Dear Friends,
pls explain the meaning of term "Letters Patent Appeal" and when and before whom it can be filed.
P.C. Joshi