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akash jain   24 August 2009 at 17:40

Income Tax Act ,1961,information reqired for A.Y year 1979-


Please tell me the provisions under I.T Act.1961 for A.Y 1979-80,under Section 230A(1),and
U/S 269L(2) ,and U/S 269(1)in A.Y 1979-80,and 1980-81 ?

Under Section 269L(2),and 269(1) of I.T Act,1961 ,to whom notice use to served by the I.T.Dept.?

Please help me and oblidge.

Thanking You Sirs,

Akash maheshwari

akash jain   24 August 2009 at 17:26

required valuable opinion

I have purchased a residential property near about 30 yrs back.We got the sale deed Registered through the power of attorney holder of the seller.
The property is muted by us in Muncipal records from then and we are staying there peacefully till now and paying all dues etc in our name as owner.
Recently the owner,3 years back ,after knowing that we lost the copy of power of attorney of seller,refused the registry and given ground that he left the place at the of Registry,and he never sold the property to us.
The registered deed of sale contains Income Tax permission under Section 230A[1],of I.T .Act 1961,which was signed by the original parties and is attached in the registry.The I.T. permission was from the other State,where the seller was filling Income Tax returns and having their Head Office.
Now,can I call the Income Tax Dept of that State from where the order was issued to seller,for witness in Civil Court,where I filled Title deed suit against the seller.The said Order or Permission Order U/S 230A[1] of I.T Act,1961 ,was taken before 30 yrs by the seller.
-what is the process to call them?
-IS Civil Court of one State is having Rights to Call for witness from some another state of India,Or we have to go there,to that State,with my Lawyer,Oath Commissioner,appointed by Court for taking the statement Income Tax Dept of that State?
-Can I will get reply from that Dept. ,after 30 yrs about its verification of that order?
-Can I take use of Right to Information Act,and get some useful reply from that Dept. and avoid going their,so long and incurring so much expenses?
-If I can take use of Right to Information Act,what I must ask to them and for expenses ,what and in which form I have to send money for getting information from I.T Dept.?
_ I.T Dept may refuse to give reply,as the document and information needed by me is of more than 30 yrs old,so what may be appropriate way to ask them ,so as to get reply required for purpose?
What else help and valuable opinion of yours can be received to me in such a matter?
What was the clauses of Section 230A[1],of I.T .Act 1961 and what was the process in Year 1978 to get the Permission under that section of I.T Act,1961?
Please help me and oblidged.
Thanking You sirs,
Akash Maheshwari

Salik Khan   24 August 2009 at 17:06

Enrollment of Advocate above 26 years age and in business

I have just cleared LLB Degree, I wish to start practising and hence I need to register with Bar council of State. There is a clause in the form that if you are above 26 years of age and.
1. If you have not engaged in any service or business. you need to give an affidavit.
2. If you have engaged in business or trade etc you need to submit releving letter etc.

I am a proprietor of a business,
Now in my case whether point 1. hereinabove will be quicker or point 2. and which one is advisable

if point 2. what procedure

Sushanta   24 August 2009 at 16:40

Category of a given judgment.

Hello Sir,

Could you please tell me how to know under which category ( Criminal case, Family matters , etc) a give judgment is falling ?

I am considering the supreme court judgments available at :--- "".

Thanks in advance.


vijay dhiman   24 August 2009 at 16:24

Trust Deed

Pls arrange performa of Education Trust Deed

vijay dhiman   24 August 2009 at 16:21


Dear All,

Pls arrange Limited liability Partnership Deed Performa


Vijay Dhiman


neelakshi   24 August 2009 at 15:12

atm card

can the nominee operate/use the atm debit card after the death of a single savings account holder.

ramesh   24 August 2009 at 14:02

pay scale and increment

I need contact phone number of Sri S. Ramachandra Rao, Former Advocate General

sanjeev   24 August 2009 at 12:19

need in an advice

Dear sir/madam,
we are from a family which is ruined by our blood relatives, pls do some advice us in the below mentioned case,

My Grandpa bought 12 beeghas agricultural land in lavaan tehsil, dausa distt, rajasthan 50 years ago (in 1965 approx) with his Elder brother as 1/2 share of both, after purchasing he died and my grandfather's elder brother through out my grandma, my father(4yrs), my buaji(1yr).

My grandma came to his mother in the same distt. and tried to her best by struggling to feed my father & buaji.

In the year 2000 my grandma with my father and me, again went to my grandpa's elder brother and demanded our 1/2 share in the land purchased by my grandpa & him.

But they played again a game with us,
they purchased 4 beeghas land separately in which my grandpa do not have any share,

they made an agreement on a Rs.100 stamp Paper with us that:-
1. we should make both the land 12
beeghas 4 beeghas in the ratio
1/3:1/3:1/3 as my grandpa's elder
brother has two sons and my father is
one of my grandpa.
2. we have to pay them Rs.80000/- for the
land purchased by them separately as it
is costlier than the land purchased by
my grandpa.

In last year we knew that the 4 beeghas land purchased by them was not registered in their name (as it is in the name of an ST person) and the actual owner captured the land again this year. we are trying to convince them that -
1. they have to register the 1/3 share of
4 beeghas in our name or
2. leave our 1/2 share in old land(12
beeghas)and return our Rs. 80000/-
otherwise we will suit in the court.

it is very surprising that in place of being agree on any above two conditions they filed civil case without informing against us in the distt court to claim 1/3:1/3:1/3 share in the old land which is bought by my grandpa and his elder brother in the 1/2 share, and they also saying that they are not able to pay Rs. 80000.
they filed case on the basis of Rs. 100 stamp paper and kabja of land in the ratio 1/3:1/3:1/3.

Please advice us what should we do now.
we are in a very confusing situation as we went to a lawyer in the distt court he suggest us to capture our 1/2 share in place of 1/3 by any means only then we can win the case or can get our Rs. 80000.

I will be very oblidged to you.

currently we are leaving in south delhi.
Sanjeev Kumar Aneejwal (Bairwa)

DIPAK KUMAR GUPTA   24 August 2009 at 12:08


Respected Sir ,

My marraige was solmnised on 22/02/2004.The marriage was consumed and a female baby was born on 24/12/2004.My wife left me on 22/08/2005due to some petty quarrel on the issue that I can not keep my self away from my dependent parent and brother.

For this reason,she filed false cases u/s 498A under instigation from my inlaws and thereafter she filed maintenance u/s 125 and so many police complaints.

In spite of that I always tried to repair the relationship.I have arranged family councilings,send relatives to their home but I did not find any positive result.

Thereafter I have a filed restitution of conjugal rights but wife filed a maintenance case for harrasing me .

Now , four cases are pending as follws :

1) 498A since Jan. 2006 :- charged has been framed but no evidence has been produed

2) 125 since July , 2006 :- I am paying interim maintenace from august , 2006 onwards.The case is pending at evedence stage .

3)Restitution of Conjugal Rights since Dec.2006 :- The case is admited but proceedings are deferred till disposal of the following case filed by the wife.

4) Maintenance under Hindu Marriage Act since Jan , 2007 :- Although I am paying maintenance under criminal court , she has filed maintence under HMA and the case is pending at evedence stage .

Now , the relationship is no more living , I would say it "DEAD" and I am 100% failure in repairing. I am suffering since last 5 years .

So , I want to give back all her belongings which are occupying at my flat.

I am following my in-laws & wife :- when they called me at police station , I attended the Police Station; when police did not take any action due to prima facie false allegation , they approached to court and I am giving attendence in court at the cost of my employment ; when they asked for monthly maintenance ,I started paying maintenance; now they are asking for a lump-sum payment and I gave my consent for lump sum payment . Now they are not responding since last one year.

After leaving her matrimonial home , my in-laws asked for return of sridhan during so many times . I always replied them to come through proper channel for taking away her sridhan . Now they are silent.

I did my best for purchase of peace but I I found no remeady.

Now I am adamand to disolve my marriage but cases are adjourned due to non-fuctioning of court , sometimes advocates are busy , sometimes petitioner is absent .So legally marriage can not be dissolved.I have not filed divorce case .

For escaping my parents from death , I shifted to my new flat two months ago and all her belongings are kept in my old flat.

Please suggest me what should be the proper way to return her sridhan.

Should I hired a lorry for despatching her belongings to her destination ? I haver not taken any cash . All domestic items were gifted.

May I hope to get much expected reply .