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Rishi Ahuja   07 August 2009 at 18:36

filed a case under 156(3) under DP 3

Respected sir,
I have filed a case in 156(3) under DP3.
Status report was asked for from IO. May I have the liberty to protest the ATR, in case I feel that it is made on the bases of false and fabricated grounds.


rgurucharan   07 August 2009 at 18:29

stale cheque

dear sir,

what is the period with in which a cheque is considered to be a stale cheque?

In which act is it being covered?

pls reply at the earliest.

with regards,

R. Gurucharan.

Praveen Vahinipati   07 August 2009 at 18:23

Contractual Labours

is loading & unloading work is casual/temporary for transport company ?
If yes then plz tell me can any transport company can engage contractual labours for its loading & unloading works?

sandeep chavan   07 August 2009 at 18:23

Co-op Housing Soceity

Is there any education cess or something like that payable by co-op housing society ltd in Maharashtra.

Rajendra Singh Gour   07 August 2009 at 17:49

Notice Pay recovery

I want expert opinion on following matter.

my previous employer sent notice for recovery of notice pay. I was not a confirmed employyee there. I worked there for 23 months . I have not recieved any confirmation letter during tenure.Even though i got pramotion , stating that term and condition of appointment letter will be remaining same.
Am i still probatione according to law? Please suggest me

Rajendra Singh Gour   07 August 2009 at 17:47

Notice Pay recovery

I want expert opinion on following matter.

my previous employer sent notice for recovery of notice pay. I was not a confirmed employyee there. I worked there for 23 months . I have not recieved any confirmation letter during tenure.Even though i got pramotion , stating that term and condition of appointment letter will be remaining same.
Am i still probatione according to law? Please suggest me

R.Ramajayam   07 August 2009 at 16:33

Concern divorce

The husband and wife are metualy agreed to get divorce. Both are residing in different place. There job is also very critical them to come for court. Is it possible to get the order of divorce on the date of applicantion by both of them jointly If so is there any rulings is available Ple help

Legal Eagle   07 August 2009 at 15:55

Bombay Public Trust Act

Please could anyone help

My query is if we read the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950, there is no provision that says an order of the concerned charity commissioner is a must.It only says that the charity commissioner, if he thinks to hold an enquiry will do so.

If I have filed a change report relating to addition of name of a Trustee, the said change reprot has been sent through post after few years I find out that the said change report is pending in the office of the charity commissioner.
Whose duty is it to pass orders
Or if the Charity commissioner has passed an order for want of documents change report seen and filed,does that amount to acceptance of the name of the concerned person as a Trustee.

Also suppose if the name is not indicated in the Sch I, is the said person to be treated as a legal trustee or a de- facto trustee.

In one of my case, the change report has been pending, he is filing change reports as reporting trustee. Now the concerned commissioner, is saying that as his name is not indicated in the Sch I, he has no legal rights to sign change reports.

Could anyone please assist me in which section to read and which book to refer for elaborate clarification

Please its very important to me

baljit singh   07 August 2009 at 15:41

criminal procedure code

its baljit advocate here,
my querry is what is the remedy against the order passed by a criminal court while dealing a case in the capacity of lok adalat.

Facts of the case:
A criminal complaint was filed by a complainanat was entrusted to Special judicial magistrate for disposal. The accused was ordered to appear throuth non-bailable warrants. however the accused approached the complainant and asked him to withdraw the case and assured the payment covered by the cheque within one month. The complainant made unilateral statement in the court in the absence of accused ( who was yet to appear) and his statement was recorded and the case was posted for a date on which a lok adalat was scheduled to be held. The statement was simple one that he has got the matter compromised with the accused as such did not want to proceed with the complaint further. The complainant made the statement in view of the fact apart from the cheque amount a huge balance amoutn was also due to the accused. so doubting taht the accused might not refuse to pay the balance amount, he agreed to withdraw the case. However, the accused failed to keep his promise and as such a day before the lok adalat was scheduled to be convened, the complainant made an application before the court for permission to withdraw his statement and continue with the complaint. The said application was ordered to be put wiht the case file for the next day on which the lok adalat was scheduled to be ocnvened. on the said date a notice of the application was given to the accused, who was not present in the lok adalat on the said date, for some other date and the complaint was disposed off by the magistrate in view of the earlier statement of the complainant already on record. The said application remained pending for quite some time in the court and warrants for the appeacance of the accused were also issued. on one fine day, the court without procuring the presence of the accused dismissed the application on the ground taht the case has already been disposed off in the lok adalat.


whether the court was justified to disposed off the complaint on the basis of the previous statement of the complainant and ignoring the application made by him praying for withdrawal of statement and to continue with the trial in the changed circumstances?

Whether the complaint could have been disposed off in the lok adalat in the absence of the accused

What remedies are available to the complainant under the criminal procedure code to challege the said order.

baljit singh   07 August 2009 at 15:21

criminal procedure code

its baljit here,
my first querry relates to my earlier querry in response of which i did receive replies but for some of the experts i again want to put the same with some clarifaction.

" my querry was whether the accused can challenge the initiation of proceedings of proclamation against him, without surrendering, in the same court which wherein the proceedings are in progress but he has not yet been declared proclaimed offender.

The replies may kindly be specific in the light of the following facts.

" A, was married to B a U.S. citizen. The marriage took place in USA. The parties cohabited as husband and wife in USA. The marrige later on dissolved in USA. The parties to marriage never came to india any time between the solemnization of marriage till the dissolution of marraige. however, the father of B, who also happens to be US citizen got registered a case in India against A, who was in USA and his family members residing in india. In an enquiry, district police chief concluded that no offence was committed in india and as such recommended the cancellation of F.I.R. however the father of B managed to aproach some other higher official i.e. D.I.G., upon whose further orders the case was ordered to be investigated. Now the investigation is going on only against A whereas all the other members of his family were declared innocent. However in between the pendency of the investigation, A visited india and appeared before the District Police chief and submitted his written version caliming him to be innocent which is on record. His statement was also recorded and he was let to go as such A again returned to USA. However the I.O. of the case whithout disclosing the factum of the appearance of the A before the police chief applied for intiation of proclamation proceedings in the court of CJM without disclosing the other facts of the case especially the apperance of the A before the District Police chief and recording of his statement and also the fact that why he was not arrested when he appeared in case and his statement was recorded and what new fact has come on record for which his arrest is necessary and the investigation cannot be carried without his arrest. So, now it is clear that the proceedings have been intiated with malafide. A has already filed a petiton under section 482 for the quashment of F.I.R. on the ground first of all no offence is made out in F.I.R against him or his family and secondly, if at all any offence is spelled out in F.I.R. then no part of the offence is committed in india as such the F.I.R. is bad for want of jurisdicition wherein the state has also filed reply and admitted the contentions of A with respect to his appearance before the District Police chief and recording of his statemtnt therein. But the local police is adament to get A declared proclaimed offender. Now A want to challenge the initiatin of the procalmation proceedings before the court wherein the same are pending by failling an application through his attorney. Pls suggest and answere the querry in the light of these facts.

Baljit singh advocate.
has intiated those proceedings