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Rajesh   19 July 2009 at 18:20

Minor accident .. but FIR logged against me

Hi, few days back I was going on national highway within a city limit and it was raining heavily. Suddenly a car in front of me stopped, I applied my break but as we were going 40-50 km/hr speed in the fast lane but I banged on the front car. Fortunately nobody injured and we came out of car we stayed there for sometime and then taken each other’s no. and decided to meet later as it was office time, we decide to meet and decide cource of action. But the guy called me next day and said it will cost him 15K-20K to repair his car and I need to pay it. I said I am not responsible for accident and if you still want you can claim from my third party insurance as he was not having his comprehensive policy.
So for that there was requirement of filing FIR, he called after 2 days and said he logged FIR against me. Now what should I do ? Should I go to police station ? should I ask him where he logged FIR and go to that police station? should I wait for the summons ? Please advice.

Shailendra Kumar   19 July 2009 at 17:20

The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Bill, 2004

Please clear this Statement in Sec 6:

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall affect or invalidate
1 any disposition or
2 alienation including any partition or
3 testamentary disposition
of property
which had taken place before the 20th day of December, 2004.

My query: This statement is in reference to a property or a Married daughter got married before the inactment of this Law.

Here "Disposition" word generate confusion.

SHASHANK SHEKHAR DASH   19 July 2009 at 17:00


I want to know whether any permission is required from court/Govt/ Charitable Commissioner, when a charitable trust wants to mortgage its property for raising a loan from a commercial bank(though the trust deed & resolution empowers it to do so).I may add that there are several opinions among my collegues & many of the advocates are unable to give a definite answer to the same.

Gaurav mishra   19 July 2009 at 16:46

power of attorney

can a power of attorney be further sub lated, . if power of attorney provider mention in his power of attorney that holder can further sublet it.and it have some legal value any ruling or direction of s.c is available

Sammelan Kavi   19 July 2009 at 15:06

Erring Advocates and Bar Council Process

I hired services of two lawyers X & Y for a certain matter concerning multiple courts against the same accused. Both the lawyers prepared and filed application in two different courts. Application filed by X was dismissed within minutes because it was in incorrect Jurisdiction and Judge told the lawyer X "You ought to have known that" and reprimanded the lawyer for bringing such applications to her. Second Lawyer Y did not show up on the date but sent someone else junior who had no clue of the case. It was also later discovered that the second application too was filed in incorrect jurisdiction.

What are my choices? How do I recover the fees tendered to the lawyers?

sudhir Medhekar   19 July 2009 at 14:19


I've been defamed by the managing committe of the co-op housing societies by sending a letters to the 2 BMC Offices and also with a submission of affidavit-in-reply for the criminal case in High Court
The are series of acts and evidences over a period of 1 yr.
I am a Group A State Govt.Gazzetted officer ,working as professor in prestigiuos Medical College of State Govt.
1) Whether I can file both criminal and civil case ?
2) whether Police complaint necessory before filing a case in the courts ?
3) Due to my present occupation as Sr. Gazzetted officer, Is there any amendments and provision in IPC and CrPC ?
4)for the aforsaid reason ,Is the case triable by the Districs Session Courts or any fast track Special Courts instead of Judicial Metroploitan Magistrate - First Class ?
5)recent high Court and Supreme Court judgement about IPC 499 and 500

Kindly advice me

A Truthseeker   19 July 2009 at 10:52

criminals commit crimes out of fear of getting mad

A criminal commits crime under pent up emotions which if not vent out would drive him mad. at that juncture he is at a blind alley. he is to choose between of being a mad or a criminal. the later is preferable .

Adv. Deepak   18 July 2009 at 23:17

Formation of voluntary/social organisation

Respected Sirs/Madams, Would you please advise me the procedure for formation of social / voluntary organisation.

vinod bansal   18 July 2009 at 23:13

can a court held guilty to a proclaimed offender?

I want to know whether a trial court is right when it held a proclaimed offender guilty (despite this fact that he was not present in the court during the trial) but even though he was held guilty alongwith his other co accused who were present in the court at the time of trial as well as at the time of pronouncement of an another case,at the time of trial and argument all accused were present in the court but when the case was fixed for judgment one of the accused on apprehension of conviction remain absent from the court and court held him guilty in his absence alongwith his co accused.what is legal position on this law point .plz enlighten me. Thanx

vinod bansal   18 July 2009 at 22:14

cable television

My cable operator is receiving signal & transmitting channels/programmes to its subscriber without paying fees to star tv by stealing activation code from the office of star tv in collusion with staff of star tv ,now star tv wants to prosecute our cable operator,under which sections police can register FIR against my cable operator. Thank