Creation of will
(Querist) 21 August 2009
This query is : Resolved
I have two daughters and a son. I wish to create a will which should be made valid after the demise of myself and my wife. can you suggest a formate which will cover all, investements, cash, property and all other assets. Can I make the will in such a way that my grand children are alone eligible to inherit the property after we.
A V Vishal
(Expert) 21 August 2009
Q.I wish to create a will which should be made valid after the demise of myself and my wife.
Ans: Joint Wills: Two or more persons can make a joint Will. If the joint Will is joint and is intended to take effect after the death of both, it will not be admitted to probate during the life time of either and are revocable at any time by either during the joint lives or after the death of the survivor.
Q. Can you suggest a formate which will cover all, investements, cash, property and all other assets.
Ans. The language of the will need not be legal, it can be drawn in plain and simple language expressing your wishes clearly without ambiguity. There are formats available, but instead I suggest you take help of any experienced person viz.advocate etc... to draft the same for you.
Q. Can I make the will in such a way that my grand children are alone eligible to inherit the property after we.
Ans. Yes, you can write such a will
adv. rajeev ( rajoo )
(Expert) 21 August 2009
in a will u will have to show the details of your investments, cash and any immovable properties etc., You will have to clearly mention the name of the persons in whose favour u want to execute the will.
If you have any ancestral property then u can make a will only to the extent of ur share.
In a will it is necessary to take a contention that this is the last will and I have not made any will before this in anybodies name.
Will will come into existence only after the demise of the executant.
Kiran Kumar
(Expert) 21 August 2009
both my ld. friends are right.
but my final suggestion is better visit ur local counsel, take his services for better drafting and he will also assist you in getting the same registered (if you feel necessary).
(Expert) 21 August 2009
I also agree with the above Ld friend.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao
(Expert) 22 August 2009
In Will Deed Legal Requirements of attestaion etc to be complied , contact locla Senior Advocate for drafting and execution and Registration of the Will deed .
(Querist) 22 August 2009
Thanks everyone