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Raghavendran   30 May 2009 at 09:14

Names on Non judicial Stamp papers

Sir, It may be kindly clarrified whether the stamp papers purchased by an individual can be used by an another individual for Registration of documents. The Registrars says that it is impossible. But as per sec 6 (2 ) of the tamilnadu Stamp Rules, I feel that it is not necessary to check the names written on stamp papers when they purchased and even any one can use any stamp papers purchased by others.

I will be glad if the eexperts may clarify this section to me.

Thanking you, Sirs.

Satish   29 May 2009 at 22:53

S. 309 IPC

I had heard earlier that s. 309 IPC is declared as void by Supreme court. Whether it is correct?
If yes pls provide me the details of the said judgment.

Suresh C Mishra   29 May 2009 at 22:51

recovery of amount ordered by the contr auth. under PG Act

when the CA passes the order to pay the amount of gratuity, Procedure is this that the CA controlling Authority on application of the applicant issue a recovery certificate against the employer to the District Collector but in the officer of the DC matter is being kept pending for more than one year ? what i can do for the matter expedited and the persons who are committing mistake my be penalized ? for the negligence of recovery authority ?

Satish   29 May 2009 at 22:49

Election Commissioners

Resp Sirs & Mams.

Who appoint the election commissioners in India? What is term for election commissioners?

Satish   29 May 2009 at 22:46

Void Marriage

Resp Experts,

One of my lady client's husband got married to another girl without divorce and during life of my client. Parties are Hindu. Now my client wants to declare the second marriage of her husband as null and void.

I have a little confusion should I go for declartion suit or suit U/s 11 of Hindu Marriage Act?


jitu   29 May 2009 at 21:55

bombay rent act

in 1998 the apex court has observed that law of standed rent is violative of art.14 but didnot declared it, as bombay rent act was about to expire..In gujrat in year 2000 despite the judgement of apex court the lageslature choose to exend the law of standard rent up to 2011.. what would legal effect?

Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate   29 May 2009 at 20:41


dear friends,
in the sec.6A of E.C.act for confiscation of vehical and metirial, can it relised from judicial court ? however collecter is specificlly has the power in sec.6e of e.c.act .
if any case law or ruling is there then plz. send me.
thanking you.
your's -Sarvesh K Sharma

sunil   29 May 2009 at 18:40

property distribution

I am from Andhra Pradesh ,My grand father purchased a land(agriculture land) and a independent house in 1975 on his name,he did not made any ‘wil’l ,he died in 1982,his wife died in 1995 , he had one son and two daughters .
1)son (died)---one daughter,wife
2)elder daughter have—one grand son------marriage(1970s)
3)younger daughter(died) ---- one son,two daughters,husband ---marriage(1978)
How the property distributed among them?

ksadavijaykumar   29 May 2009 at 17:59

Negotiable Instruments Act 1881

Query:Dt 29.05.2009

'A' has delivered a cheque to 'B' under a private understanding of business, the cheque is ordered pay to "BA a/c no.123456"
and crossed with payee's a/c only, the B presented the cheque in his bank account(B's name only) which was dishonored by "A", consequently B issued a notice under sec.138 of NI Act 1881 and proceeding for filing a criminal complaint against A.

"A" is under pretext and assumption that the "B" is not having a clear ownership or title over the value of the cheque or on the cheque under sec.8 of NI Act 1881, hence the complaint is not maintainable.

kindly clarify whether the argument of the A is correct or wrong? is complaint maintainable or not?

Member (Account Deleted)   29 May 2009 at 17:36

Consumer Cases

Can any one tell me about a book where detailed proceedure of consumer cases is given, Specially format of Affidavit in chief, W/B, W/S, questionaries for examination, written argument, etc.