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Ravi   20 April 2009 at 15:26

Liabalities of Father

Dear Experts,

Please help me on problem. The story is

We are 3 brothers and one sister. My 2 elder brothers (Married) are working in ONGC and i (Single) working in Delhi.

Recently my father passed away. He had liability of 4Lakhs. He has neither given any property us nor no property on his name and my mothers' also.

Kindly advise me his liabilities are to be borne myself or not applicable to us.

Looking forward for your valuable reply at the earliest

Thanking you in advance


Madhavi   20 April 2009 at 14:54

for maintainence

Last week i had put a query regarding physical and mental torture done by my husband .
wherein Uma madam had given me good suggestion for compromise .I am thankful to her .
our case is with Human rights organization where the concerned person is helping us out .
He had given me suggestion that now we will see that he will not in future will give you physical as well as mental torture .And about the flat you will have to stay with him in a rented flat only ,you cannot demand him for a own flat .
so i am ready for this compromise and also they gave me option to rent a flat at my place of choice .
so now since i stay at my parents place i have selected same area .And also since my baby is small and my parents will be staying near my place can look after my baby in immergency conditions .

Here my husband agreed to stay together with me at the place selected .
But very next he told that he will be drafting the letter in behalf of my husband to my organization HR and BOSS for the transfer of Job from HO to factory ,wherein he will be convenient .

i am already travelling 2 hrs for my office ,and since now he will also have to travel ,so he creating a mess and giving me warning of taking some steps wherein i will be in problem .
pls suggest how to compromise with such person who only thinks of himself and not of wife or the child .

A.Mohamed Thaheer   20 April 2009 at 12:17

Malicious Prosecution- criminal prosecution to be initiated

What criminal action could be taken against a police officer who filed a case of malicious prosecution in the court of law?

What type of civil suit can be filed against such an officer for filing a case of defamation?

Is there any protection to the police officer under any law for defence in the above two cases.

A.Mohamed Thaheer   20 April 2009 at 11:41


Under what provision of the limitation act, we can seek condonation of delay in filing review petition in the high court against the order of the same high court. what is the normal period of time allowed for making the review petition in the same high court

Let me have a citation of case law by supreme court of india.

Manisha Rachael Pallat   20 April 2009 at 11:35

Declaration of holiday on polling day?


Is it necessary to declare polling day as a holiday. We are a private limited company. Pls advise.


Manisha Rachael Pallat   20 April 2009 at 11:34

Declaration of holiday on polling day?


Is it necessary to declare polling day as a holiday. We are a private limited company. Pls advise.


Charan Chander J   20 April 2009 at 09:58

Grandmothers property

Hi Everyone,
I need a legal advice on this issue.
My grandmother has 1 son and 1 daughter and my grandmother passed away in 2007. My grandmother inherited a house from her father and now my grandmother has not made any will. But my aunty (grandmothers' daughter) has somehow got the property transferred to her name without our knowledge and she is claiming right to this property.
But as per my knowledge this is illegal, can somebody give me some clarification as to how I should proceed further.


CA Rahul sureka   20 April 2009 at 09:52


We have registered Soceity at thane, now if some one have taken balcony inside there room, the person who has taken balcony inside is already paying muncipalty tax on balcony space also. can if any one complain in Muncipal office that this construction is illegal, does muncipality has right dispite of soceity registration. , if society issue NOC will it be sufficient.

abhijit   20 April 2009 at 09:33


Im First year lawyers Student i Want to Study Cases Section Wise Which Site I Want To Get Details

hage nibo   20 April 2009 at 08:05

What does Act mean?

What does"(amendment)'Act'" really mean in:
eg: CPC (46 of 1999), (22 of 2002)
Central sale tax Act,1956(74 of 2004)etc.
What meaning do 46,22,74 carry here?