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N.K.Assumi   09 September 2008 at 07:58

Suit against Marriage Officer:

If a marriage is solemnized by an officer who is not competent to act as marriage officer under Special Marriage Act 1954, and if such marriage is void can the couple file suit against such Officer? What about the status of the child born of such void marriage? Are they legitimate or illegitimate child. If illegitimate due to the Officer can such child sue the officer on attaining majority? What steps should be taken to validate the marriage? Can such Officer take refuge under judges protection act of 1985?

N.K.Assumi   09 September 2008 at 07:36

Incest and Indian Penal Code:

What does the Indian Penal Code says with regard to the Incest? Will the honorable member of this forum share the problems of incest?

J K Agrawal   09 September 2008 at 06:29

S 163A Motor Vehicle Act

When a Claim is filed under MOTOR Vehicle Act, in case of death of boy of 27 year, not married, The claimants are parents aged about 50. The multiplier applicable is as per age of parents as it calculates less in comparison of calculation as per age of deceased. But if the case is filed UNDER SECTION 163A of MV Act age of DECEASED only is taken into consideration and no fact beyond schedule II is considered. Will anybody give me citation on this particular point? I have come to know that MFA 282/2002 decided on 20/11/2007 by the Honable Kerala High Court titled as I Damodaran v M K Valsala is direct citation on this point. Will any body help me to furnish hard or soft copy of the Judgment?

Shekhar   09 September 2008 at 00:20

Can a company fire a employee on the Background Verification Details?

Pls. share ! Can a company fire any employee on Back groung Verification details? If yes under which 'act' this back ground verification come in of the Company! pls. share it in detail!!!

Shekhar   09 September 2008 at 00:19

Can a company fire a employee on the Background Verification Details?

Pls. share ! Can a company fire any employee on Back groung Verification details? If yes under which 'act' this back ground verification come in of the Company!

sagar madan   08 September 2008 at 18:00

cheque bouncing

My client had a motor accident last month i.e 18/8/08. The accused to settle the matter and to avoid litigation and police complaint issued a cheque to my client. Now my client has deposited the cheque and it has bounced.
My query is can the payment by accused to my client be termed as debt?
Can my client still make police complaint of the said accident?

Shriram   08 September 2008 at 17:26

FCRA Query: Transfer of Immovable Assets

I have a quick query regarding FCRA. Your response is highly appreciated.

I represent a volunteer group called Asha for education [“Asha”] ( that does genuine work in the field of education. We have an FCRA account and used these funds for some building construction in Kanpur for a "school on human values" that ran for a period of time. This school was a 'unit' of Asha itself. (not a different NGO) These funds have been fully utilized more than 10 yrs ago and the 'use certificate' has been audited, submitted and closed.

The people behind the "school on human values" have now formed a separate trust (i.e. separate from Asha) and Asha wishes to let them keep ("donate") the said infrastructure to them to continue their activities independently.

Is it required for this new trust (different from Asha) to also have an FCRA account to be able to take/keep ownership of these immovable assets that were originally funded using foreign funds? The trust will not be receiving any further foreign funds from Asha.

Thanks very much,
Shriram, Pune.

Anil Kumar kamboj Delhi M-9650   08 September 2008 at 16:22

judiciary question bank papers

sir pls guidence me for last years judiciary question papers ,where form i can afford them from internet with any charges .

as per your consult ,i wanted to got it for delhy judicial services

tamilarasibabu   08 September 2008 at 15:54

mutual consent

mutual consent filing before 1 year by the parties whether admissible? if the parties enter into an agreement for seperation how far it is supportive for the filing of mutual consent before completion of 1 year/

TS Bhatia   08 September 2008 at 15:49

study at abroad

What is the procedure for taking admission in foreign universities ?