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umesh HALKAR   28 July 2016 at 13:07

Presence of advocate during witness statement.


1.If any reason Advocate is gone outside the Court Hall by very little bit of time,then Court is allowing to take statement of complainant / witness or adjoining to next date.
2.Advocate is missing is any Tactics to Harassment for Complainant / witness.
3.Once Advocate and complainant & witness are reported on date of hearing notice at Court then Advocate is gone outside during call of Court, Statement can take at witness box without the Presence of Lawyer.

manoj   28 July 2016 at 13:05

Regarding pay protection and pay fixation

Respected sir...sir I was working as an Ast Cmdt in CISF in pay band of 15600 with grade pay 5400 later on I got selected in civils and alloted Danips as a service which faals in pay band of 9300 with grade pay 4800 ...I joined dis said service on technical resignation .....sir my query is does I am entitled for pay protection as I relieved by previous dept 27 days before completing my probation period .....

umesh HALKAR   28 July 2016 at 12:53

Sanitary system

1. Any law is existing and constituted regarding Sanitary system should be commissioned before issuing Completion/ possession certificate for Flat/Independent house at Urban area Layout by concern urban authority in Karnataka under Swatch bharat mission.
2.After expiry date of Sale deed, in spite of reminder letters for registration of flat, whether buyer can file the case at courts of law without serving any legal notice to vendor.

deepak sobti   28 July 2016 at 12:22

Attachment & Maintenance.

Respected Members, hope & wish that you'll be in the best of health.
I have two quick ONEZ :
a). In a DV case the honorable mahila court had granted right to residence by my beloved 2 years ago, still she has not returned. There was a "STAY" put on that property & I was ordered not to DISPOSE IT OFF till the case reaches it's conclusion.
Now in an interim maintenance case, another honorable mahila court has ordered warrant of attachment for not paying the interim as my beloved had filed execution.
My query is : can one property which is already under a stay order by a court can be attached again in done other litigation ?

b). There has not been a fraction of proof against me, secondly my beloved is earning nearly 45k per month in her job, is more qualified than me, living apart due to her own volition, does not let me even speak with our child, filed three kidnapping complaints against me, no receipts of expenses attached till date.
Most importantly : all the maintenance required are absolute lies I filed perjury which the court also acknowledged & registered it as a fresh case. Not even a single guideline has been followed. Since 3 years I've been begging for just 5 min to speak & to produce the proofs of my innocence but to no avail.
Apart from appealing in the High Court, what can be done in both the scenarios ?
Appreciate your assistance & thanks in anticipation.
Good day.
Deepak Sobti
91. 9958959697.

Anonymous   28 July 2016 at 12:16

Cancellation of Sale Deed

I have recently purchased property (clear title and self acquired); now his son filled case in civil court for cancellation of sale deed. My advocate is defending case well. My question is - When a person can file suit for cancellation of sale deed? And Who can file suit for cancellation of sale deed? Becz i heard that suit can be filed only by a person who executed document and who perceives. Is it correct?

vamsi   28 July 2016 at 10:16

Suit filed by a wrong person

a suit filed by a person. the plaintiffs father occupied the property and due to his inconvinience he regiseterd the property to his minor sons. after attaining majority the minor sons filed the suit against the defendants by claiming the title by adverse possession. what are the consequences without joining the plaintiffs father on this suit. please advise me.

R HARBANS   28 July 2016 at 10:11

Court Notice not delivered

I had filed a complaint with CMM court in Delhi with expectations that it will be heard. It was acknowledged just four days later and notice issued to me and the local police to be present on certain date. The notice to me was to be served by local ps but they did not give me the notice despite several meetings with then in duration in connivance with opposite party maybe.
Can you please let me know if this not delivering the court notice by Local Police can constitute to be an offense, negligence, or deliberate effort to bring me on default in eyes of court for not being present on the date demanded by the court.
Answer please... Urgent

kamal   28 July 2016 at 01:27


My wife filed 125 crpc seeking maintenance. I gave proofs that I was a shop keeper which High Court also mentioned in its order but now circumstances have changed, I have started doing job from the last three-four months.
How can I tell the court and bring this on record that circumstances have changed as I am doing job now.

Fake Case Fighter   27 July 2016 at 23:42

Expartee order

Dear Experts,

What can be used as remedy for an ex partee order in CrPC section 125 which is based upon untrue and incomplete facts.

ilango.n   27 July 2016 at 23:40

Cr pc

Whether 2nd petition is maintanable under section 70(2) of crpc