Building demolition - court order
sagar Rao
(Querist) 09 August 2016
This query is : Resolved
District Court had given demolishen order of illegal and unauthorized construction of my neighbor building, for which i had filled case in court.
Now my neighbor wants to compromise with me by taking care of wherever i had problem with his building, and apart from that he is ready to give some amount as compensation for problem faced by me due to his building construction.
My advocate and all my community people are advice-ed me to compromise, as we live in same locality and we should be good to every one.
My question is having court demolition order how can i compromise with my neighbor, is that court will monitor the demolition of building with the municipal corporation or not, what kind of problems will come to me in future, what precautions to be taken, Please inform me for which i am very grateful to you.
Thanks & Regards,
dr g balakrishnan
(Expert) 09 August 2016
U can request the court stay the demolition date as the party respondent agreed to rectify if not you will seek your court order reactivated, after all this is a civil matter, the hon court may heed your request.
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 10 August 2016
Dear XClient,
I wholly agree with dr.g.balakrishnan. obtain stay of demolition drive till your neighbor changes/alters his building to suit your convenience and comfort and if he breaches then you can get the stay vacated and proceed with demolition.Accept the compensation offered by your neighbor.

(Expert) 10 August 2016
Has demolition order been give on your own petition?
Hemant Agarwal
(Expert) 10 October 2016
1. The "neighbor building" constructed is "illegal and unauthorized"
2. IF you accept money and compromise with the neighbor WOULD the "illegal and unauthorized" "neighbor building" BECOME "LEGAL and AUTHORIZED".
3. You would be accused of "blackmail and extortion", IF you attempt to receive any money.
4. The "illegal and unauthorized" activity is against the Govt. Laws. You have only activated the law by filing court case. PERIOD.
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal