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Ashok Monga   08 July 2016 at 11:33

Rights of Joint Holder

In a property, A & B are the joint holders. A has acquired the property though his salary and other taxable earnings. The joint holder 'B' was added for emotional and natural love and has not made any contribution towards acquisition. In my personal opinion, Joint holder 'A' can legally appoint a nominee solely. However, the ownership of the property would transfer to 'A' in the event of demise of 'B'.

advprasad9028707127   08 July 2016 at 09:33

section 410 Cr.P.C.

how to prepare Transfer petition ( Cri) to file before CJM. please send sample format if available.

basila   08 July 2016 at 09:20

Mact claim

My brother met an accident with a uninsured car.Brother drive with his friend on back in a bike while crossing from a pocket road to another pocket road between highway, a car hit them and injured. both of them had head injury. My brother have no licence and car has no insurance. our advocate suit case as the 1st respondent as a car owner and second the driver. if court order compensation to us how we collect the amount from the driver or a car owner if they refuse to pay. They also not rich and have no property at all

Ramesh   07 July 2016 at 23:45

Case in 406,409,420

Sir in last thread as I post that dept want to save me after second enquiry but they are not ready to give consent to finish the case but they are ready to exonerate me in dept enquiry with clean chit. Can I file with that 482 in high court and how much chances of quashment.

Deepak sharma   07 July 2016 at 22:42

Supreme court sets 2005 cut-off on women right to ancestral property

We have two houses in uttar pradesh and among them one house is registered in the name of our grandfather and the second house in the name of grandmother.

I have heard recent rulling from the SC that daughter's whose fathers died before 2005 can't claim any right on their father property.


Scenario is My grandfather died in the year 1995 and my grand mother died in the year 2009

So in this condition can the bua's(grandfather daughter) claim the property in the name of grandfather?
So in this condition can the bua's (grandmother daughter) claim the property in the name of grandmother?

If No in that condition their son is the owner of the house???

Agnibesh Bandyopadhyay   07 July 2016 at 21:11

Second cousin marriage

Can I marry my mother's mother's brother's daughter's daughter? I belong from North India.

kumar   07 July 2016 at 19:43


I have married on 01/06/2014. on 03/06/2014 my wife said that we was married forcefully by his parents he love with a other caste man. as per his willing on 07/06/2014 we "notorised" a tlaknama and also filled a 13B mutual concern in family court which was rejected on the basis that it is not completed one year sepration period. her parents and brother sister beaten her in my house. finally on 07/06/2014 she went with her uncle. as per lawyer advice i have not done anything till one year than my parent with some relative went her house for mutual consent divorce. her father threateing us for false case and abusing us. after lawyer concent on 15/06/2015 i have filled divorce case but till date 07/07/2016 she not filled answer of petition and taking time again and again. and filled a case for 125 with interim maintanance. i have replied for interim maintanance. she not replied divorce petition so on last hearing judge give him last chance for it. I am inocent and trap in conspiracy. what is best remedy for me.

Gopal R   07 July 2016 at 18:15

Ipc 324, ipc 323

My cousin has been accused of IPC 323 and IPC 324. He got a job offer in Dubai.We are not sure of the trial date as police said it will take more than a year to start the trial. Can he leave for Dubai or he is not supposed to leave India? He badly needs that job. Is there any way to deal with the situation?

b B Raju   07 July 2016 at 17:25

Mental harassment

I am a senior citizen. I am facing a lot of mental harassment with my brother. My only fault is i am tolerating him because my family prestige shall not be dragged to streets. Taking advantage of my weakness he is mentally harassing me to the maximum. What legal remidy is left tome?

B sateesh   07 July 2016 at 17:10

Regarding pay protection with respect to 7th pc

Hi Sir, This is B Sateesh. Presently working as senior clerk in south central Railway with Pay Band 5200-20200+GP 2800(9260+2800=12060).Recently i got selected as Tax Assistant in Income tax dept with 5200-20200+ GP 2400. Now the grade pay is replaced by pay matrix. In this view what about my pay proction taken place