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raju   05 January 2022 at 22:01

Appeal in criminal case

Application for prepone of date was filled in criminal complaint IPC Private and court rejected the sane. My query is can any appeal be filled before District and Session Judge against the order of JMFC.

Veeru N   05 January 2022 at 19:35

Rights on wife gold ornaments after her death

Hi Sir,

recently my wife got expired on may 11th 2020 due to covid, almost 8 years completed, now their parents asking me gold ornaments of my wife, I have no children, now they made complaint on me but my wife made some loan without asking me, and I am paying that loans of interest it's around 5 lakhs, I told my father in law regarding this but they are not listening, now I am thinking to file a complaint against father in law for harrassing me for gold ornaments

I need your valuable suggestions
According to hindu streedhan

Anonymous   05 January 2022 at 19:00

Rights on wife gold ornaments after her death

Hi Sir/madam, I got married in 2013 may , recently my wife got expired on may 11th 2020 due to covid, almost 8 years completed, now their parents asking me gold ornaments of my wife, I have no children, now they made complaint on me but my wife made some loan without asking me, and I am paying that loans of interest it's around 5 lakhs, I told my father in law regarding this but they are not listening, now I am thinking to file a complaint against father in law for harrasing me for gold ornaments,

Please suggest me according to hindu law
It's natural death, sthreedhan whatever she had received before/after marriage as gift, property or gold ornaments only her children or husband have rights or her parents have rights over it,

Read more at:

Anonymous   05 January 2022 at 15:25

Non payment of price of goods by dealer

The respected senior fellow experts
A dealer of our company had not paid for the goods delivered by our Company in spite of repeated intimation letters for payment were send from our company. More than six months had been passed since the last intimation letter dispatched.
My query to the respected fellow experts is:
On the basis of the above written clause can we lodge a FIR under section 415(cheating) & under section 403(criminal misappropriation of property ) under IPC?

G. ARAVINTHAN   05 January 2022 at 12:56

Un probated christial will - validity

Whether a Christian Will not probated, but marked before the Indian Succession Act - Amendment Act, claiming title over a property valid ?

Hirva Patel   05 January 2022 at 12:54

Marriage query

I've registered my marriage before 3 months secretly and my parents are not
Convinced for marriage and now I want to inform about my registered marriage to my parents. Is my act of hiding marriage for 3 months legal and valid?

Hirva Patel   05 January 2022 at 12:51

Marriage query

I've registered my marriage before 3 months secretly and my parents are not a
Convinced for marriage and now I want to inform about my registered marriage to my parents. Is my act of hiding marriage for 3 months legal and valid?

Dr Ardra Kurian   05 January 2022 at 10:32

Eol without mc and first increment regarding

I am working as medical officer in level 10 of pay matrix in central govt. I joined service on 29th sept 2020, had availed EOL without medical cause for the purpose of my marriage for 14 days (which was in continuation of Earned leave) in Jan 2021, since there was no leave on credit. It was completely pre informed and with approval. (Total leave record for the month of January- 10 days EL, 7 days half pay leave, 14 days EOL; as two separate spells). I was not given the advance 15 days EL credited on January every year as told in the manuals, telling that its because I’m on probation. But i was denied my increment on july 21, telling that i had break in service continuity. But I couldn’t find it clearly in any rules. Can you please help me clarify this?

Anonymous   04 January 2022 at 21:47

How to get poa when unable to sign?

Need POA from father to manage/rent out property. However since due to dementia he is unable to sign and also fails to recognise people. How can we get POA in such case?

Anonymous   04 January 2022 at 16:30

Attaching property with promissory notes andhra pradesh

Dear Sir,

Somebody owes me some money and I have promissory notes for the same.
However, he is not willing to pay.
Some other person took him to the court and his farm-land is going to be auctioned soon by the court order.
Can I also attach the same property with my promissory notes?
Or how can I get money back from him?

Thanks for your advice.