Dear Sir/Madam,
Please upload the judgement of "Justice Mridula Mishra passed the order after hearing writ petitions filed by teachers of various universities and colleges in Bihar. Mishra directed the state government to raise the retirement age limit in conformity with the orders of UGC." made on 6th October 2009 as reported below:
I tried to access through website of HC of patna,but it asks for some authetincation code. I request my lawyer friends to help me in getting this order copy. You can send to my mail:
i need 3 case laws on the advocates act and contempt of courts act.Could anyone tell me a website where i can get judgements.Most of the sites just give judgements but do not explain the case in detail...only what was held is written.I need details like issue,facts,ratio ect..
I would like to know how much time it takes for a woman to get a stay order against a case of conjugal rights filed by husband incase the woman is residing in a separate city and is one sure to get it and also when the wife had filed for a divorce case much earlier!! It would be double harrassment to keep traveling otherwise.
Pls advise?
Whether magiatrate can refuse to accept an application under newly added chapter plea of bargaining under the disguise that court have no such notification. Whether it's application requires specific notification by concerned High court or state govt, despite being a central amendment act. Is there any such clause in this chapter.
The matter is from Uttaranchal. Please tell me,What way I should adopt.
Father gifted the house to ist son with regd gift deed with love and effection and no conditions mentioned.
After 6 months of gift deed, father revoked the gift deed with revocation of gift deed with mentioning that the son is not taking care and not providing food etc.
Immediately after 1 week, father executed transferred the house with sale deed on second sons name.
Please let me know/advice: Is it right that revocation of gift is correct and further steps to be taken.
The direction issued by the Payment of wages Act Authority / DLC Lucknow u/s 15(2) but the employer has not compiled the said direction, Whether issuing a recovery certificate to the District Magistrate Lucknow is legal ?
Can a District Magistrate recover wages as fine?
Whether the District Magistrate is a Magistrate as required under this section? All this one has confused me please suggest me the correct position of law ? So that I can put my case properly.
What is the validity of a commercial contract entered between two parties by exchange of letters such as offer and acceptance with terms and conditions set out therein BUT not executed in a Stamp Paper. Will it make such contract not enforceable in courts of law ???
Thank You !riven
I have purchased a residential property near about 30 yrs back.We got the sale deed Registered through the power of attorney holder of the seller.
The property is muted by us in Muncipal records from then and we are staying there peacefully till now and paying all dues etc in our name as owner.
Recently the owner,3 years back ,after knowing that we lost the copy of power of attorney of seller,refused the registry and given ground that he left the place at the of Registry,and he never sold the property to us.
The registered deed of sale contains Income Tax permission under Section 230A[1],of I.T .Act 1961,which was signed by the original parties and is attached in the Registry.The I.T. permission was from the other State,where the seller was filling Income Tax returns and having their Head Office.
Now,can I call the Income Tax Dept of that State from where the order was issued to Seller,for witness in Civil Court,where I filled Title deed suit against the Seller.The said Order or Permission Order U/S 230A[1] of I.T Act,1961 ,was taken before 30 yrs by the seller.
-what is the process to call them?
-IS Civil Court of one State is having Rights to Call for witness from some another state of India,Or we have to go there,to that State,with my Lawyer,Oath Commissioner,appointed by Court for taking the statement Income Tax Dept of that State?
-Can I will get reply from that Dept. ,after 30 yrs about its verification of that order?
-Can I take use of Right to Information Act,and get some useful reply from that Dept. and avoid going their,so long and incurring so much expenses?
-If I can take use of Right to Information Act,what I must ask to them and for expenses ,what and in which Form I have to send money for getting information from I.T Dept.?
_ I.T Dept may refuse to give reply,as the document and information needed by me is of more than 30 yrs old,so what may be appropriate way to ask them ,so as to get reply required for purpose?
What else help and valuable opinion of yours can be received to me in such a matter?
What was the clauses of Section 230A[1],of I.T .Act 1961 and what was the process in Year 1978 to get the Permission under that section of I.T Act,1961?
Please help me and oblidged.
Thanking You sirs,
Akash Maheshwari
Sir, we came to know that the Honb'le Supreme Court of India, has cinfimred the findings of the Honb'le High Court of Judicature at Madras that the Decree obtained without studiying S.S.L.C or +2 is not valid.
what about it's scope, whether it will affect the practising Advocate who comes in this categery.
there are 6 Advoactes in our Bar. pleased
Video conferencing
I need latest case law on recording of evidence through Video-conferencing. I request you to help me in getting the latests Judgments on the point.