Ld Counsels, I am falsely implicated by my wife and father in law. My FIL gave a complaint stating that I demanded 10 lakhs for living with his daughter. After one month police took another statement from my wife that says I am not interested to live with her and I am demanding money even to give divorce. If she wanted divorce she should have approached family court instead. The fact that we attended couseling before going to police is not revealed in teh first statement. Also the FIR is filed after one month since the compliant is lodged. This is a counterblast for my petition in family court under section 9 of HMA. My wife has left my home with all her things and threatening me to give money. Can this FIR be quashed. There is no mention of date and place of dowry demand, the statement that she seeks divorce and his fathers statement that I demanded money to live with her is contradicting. Also pls tell me if police can tamper with statemetns made and further complicate the matter. I have not received summons from court. FIR registered on 10th Nov 2008.
(1) Whethe accused person can apoint a new lawyer without obtaing N.O.C. from his previously apointed lawyer?
(2) Is it necessary to obtain N.O.C. before filing new Vakaalatnama in a criminal matter?
(3) Can a lawyer defend the accused in criminal matter without filing Vakaalatnama?
(4) under which provisions of law?
(5) Is there any caselaw to clear this point?
A person holds a patent in a process invented by him.
Whether similar process undertaken by another person bonafide, without knowledge of patent already existing in such process would amount to an infringement.
This question has always come to my mind as to why should a person be penalised / asked to take a license for doing something which he created out of his own talent w/o copying some one else.
Pls clarify.
Is a will required to be registered and /or notarised before a Notorial?
the landlord is in mumbai.it comes under maharashtra rent control act.even if the provision of sending arrears of rent is by money order,then what should be done if he refuses to accept it?will my sending him a notice and asking him to accept the rent be of any use or should i just proceed to the court .eagerly awaiting a reply,thanks in advance to all.
What are the necessary steps should be taken when starting a company
Company Type : Web Based (Services Oriented)
Please Advice!!
Dear Sir,
Can a property can be sold after obtaining preliminary decree. (before obtaining final decree of the partition suite).
History of the case.
Year 1967 Property owner dies leaving behind 4 sons and 3 daughters..
In 1970 one of the daughter file suite for partition.
In 1980 They get preliminary decree (which makes partition without physical allocation of share.
One of the son sold his share through registered sale deed without telling the Court and dies after that. His Legal heirs now approached the court and got final decree in year 2007 and sold the property to another person.
Now both parties are fighting for the property through court. Which of the document legally correct.
Thanks for the help.
can anyone tell me the procedure for approaching lokadalat in visakhapatnam,andhra pradesh...to settle my property issue...whom to meet to file a case with lokadalat...
Can a person ask Registrar/Sub-registrar for a copy of Registered Will (copy) of dead person? Is there any bar?If refused,Can i use RTI Act.2005 for the same?
Matter is very URGENT nature.I request, Learned members of the forum to reply me at the earliest!
With Regards...
Help Regarding 182IPC
Dear Sir,
I am a relatively new member at lawyersclubindia forum. I have been impressed by your knowledge and sharing on the forum. However, there is one particular question, on which I have not got satisfactory reply, hence bothering you over PM.
I have been fighting a case u/s 498-A/ 406. I have also been charged with various other cases like 506 and assualt on multiple times after filing of 498-A case. The reason for the same is that I have refused their demand of Rs. 25 Lacs for settlement and am fighting 498-A case on merit.
Recently I have been acquitted in one case of threatening, physical assault and attempt to snatch the child along with another case under Domestic Violence.
I want the police to act under 182IPC for the wrong information given to them to file these other cases against me. However, the police is not acting on it. And on the top of it, they have lodged another complaint of threatening and physical assault.
I have been given to understand that I can not lodge a private complaint under 182IPC as CrPC 195 bars it. Does that mean that I am remedyless against their false complaints, if police does not lodge a case against them.
And if I am remedyless would I keep on fighting successive cases of 506 and 323? Is there no remedy against it.
Your valued opinion would be very helpful.
Shonee Kapoor