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advocate satya   06 December 2008 at 13:12

jama talasi

what is the meaning of jama talasi in criminal case and also pls guide me what is the diffrence between challan and charge sheet?

Shilpa Rani   06 December 2008 at 11:49

bank loan on property

if i want to take bank loan on property (land) i have to approach nearest bank to my property (land) or any bank other cities

Shilpa Rani   06 December 2008 at 11:47

what is encumbrance certificate /sale deed?

Please explain me in detail:

1.what is encumbrance certificate ?
2.what is sale deed?
3. what is title deed?

thank u in advance

Shilpa Rani   06 December 2008 at 11:41

fixed deposit..

if i want to fixed deposit some amount of my money on a person who is a foreigner ( not citizen of india)...will he be elible to get that money after my life time..will our law accept foreigner to take that money without paying any tax...please advice in this case

Shilpa Rani   06 December 2008 at 11:38

capital gain tax

what is capital gain tax
if i buy property from others will it apply to this case
when we need to pay this tax and how much ..please explain

Mohamed Ali   06 December 2008 at 11:33

Final Decree Proceedings..

A partition suit was decreed, My grandmother was 3rd plaintiff, she got 1/17th share in the suit.

while filing the petition for Final Decree Proceedings, they have mistakenly brought on record's LR's who are not entitle for share in 3rd plaintiffs share along with other LR's which we did not object at the time of filing.

We want to stike out this LR's who are not etitle for share, Our advocate says it cannot be done in Final decree proceedings as it is not in scope of Final decree proceedings to delete LR's as it is only to divide the share as per Decree ,first we need to get final decree excuted and then we can file a seperate suit to say these LR's are not entitle for share,

consulted with other advocates they say Final decree proceedings is nothing but continuation of orginal suit it is like Original suit ,hence these LR's can be removed in Final decree proceedings itself using Order 1 rule 10(2) CPC.

Question: Can these Lr's be removed in Final decree proceedinds itself ?

In muslim law birth right is not recognised(where Hindu law recognises birth right), hence question who are the LR's entitle for share in 3rd plaintiff 1/17th share will come up only after her death, Since her son had predeceased her,
Only 2 daughters of 3rd plaintiff are entitle for share not childrens of predeceased son... this is our Interlocutary Application pending in Final decree proceedings.

Shilpa Rani   06 December 2008 at 11:32

will i get loan

i was adviced by one of the respected lawyers from this site not to sell my land instead take loan on my problem is i am out of job for 6 months due to ill health and fine now...but lost my job...will banks give loan to me on my land(registered on my name) if i dont have job ...please advice

M Sandal   06 December 2008 at 11:23

Section 24-Deduction of intrest on borrowed capital

pl clarify
(i)As per Sec 24 of IT Act, intrest on borrowings for housing repairs are allowed to be deducted as loss from property and allowed to be taken into account by the DDO / employer for TDS .Ifeelintrest on personalloan - and not only int on housing loans - for repairs of self occupied house is allowed by the DDO/ employer. . Pl quote any clarifications given by CBDT/Courts.
(ii) Whether DDO/Employer can demand rent receipts for rents upto Rs 3000/- as allowed by the CBTD Circulars pl clarify. Pl quote any clarifications given by CBDT/Courts.

Dnyaneshwar   06 December 2008 at 11:07

TCS on Scrap Sales

If i goods sold to this Case TCS is applicable or not.If applicable by what Percent.

Shilpa Rani   05 December 2008 at 23:38

bank loan....

my father gifted me the land just few days back and registered on my name....can i take bank loan on that now instead of selling that land....if yes what is procedure to get loan in banks