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Legal_Query   16 June 2008 at 12:57

Section 45 Evidence Act

Can an application u/s 45 evidence act can be filed at the stage of evidence.

Pls provide relevant citations of the courts.

Case is for cross examination of PW.
the accused wants to call for H.W.Expert for his signature

col A P Khanna   16 June 2008 at 12:05


intend writing my will.Is it possible to provide me a draft will document containing all essential& detailed write up so that when i insert my property details & directions for their disposal, The document becomes a proper will?

Col A P Khanna(Retd)

col A P Khanna   16 June 2008 at 12:04


I intend writing my will.Is it possible to provide me a draft will document containing all essential& detailed write up so that when i insert my property details & directions for their disposal, The document becomes a proper will?

Col A P Khanna(Retd)

ali   16 June 2008 at 11:49

Co -operative society matters

I am residing in C’ Wing & my Building has 3 Wings A ,B & C in one Plot.

A & B Has Society Formed named Seguall Co – Operative Society

Well A & B has Different Water Line for which as Different Invoice is Sent to Them By Birumumbai Mahanagar Palika

They have Different Electricity Meter For Staircase & Other light.

They have separate Assement invoice ie Muncipal Tax Paid by them.

A & B wing Resience are old Tenant’s while C’s wing is new owner who had purchase.

Well Sir Segull Co-operative Society had served a notice From Registar of Co-operative Society U/s 101 to Pay Society for Assesment & Water Charges, parking Charges etc

But The C’ Wing Member had Different meter For Electricity & Water Line Of which Payment Is made By the C’ Wing member’s Only

Sir Please Answer my Following Questions

1] Can C’ Wing member can Form Different Society ? as they Have Different Electric Meter, Water Meter & Different Assessment.

2] While Forming the Seagull Co op Hsg Society no Consent was taken from member of C wing. Nor C Wing members where Called at the AGM. As C wing are not Member’s of Seagull Co op Hsg Soc & neither using any of amenities of Seagull Co – Op Hsg Soc.

How Can Registar of Co –op Hsg Society Can serve a notice U/s 101 ?

3] In C’ Wing there are 14 Member’s Residing. The Complication is That out of 14 members there is one Tenant who has became the member of Segull Co –op hsg Society & using the amenities of C’ Wing & not paying any Of cost for such amenities ie (Share Of electricity Bill / Water Bill & Assesment Bill) the same is paid by him to Seagull Co – Op Hsg Society as he says he is Seagull member

Can we Recover Him the Cost from him which is bare by the 13 people ?

As 1 member residing has become the member of Seagull Co –op hsg Soc then also can C’ wing member’s form the Society ?

4] In case of Absent of any member who is the Owner & wants his son to attend the Case So POA is Required ? if Yes Please Give me the format of it?

5] Sir Who can Become The joint Secretary in Co –op Hsg Society?

As last time the Seagull had sent a member who declared himself as the joint Secretary but it seems that he is not the Owner of Flat? So a person not a owner of Flat can become Jt Secretary?

6] As the opponent ie Seagull Co –op Hsg Society has not Paid any invoice which he is Claiming From US (ie member of C wing) as if the opponent is Defeated in the case then can we Claim the expenses (ie Legal Charges which incurred by us to
Defend the title) from the opponent?

Sir As the Case is on going & decision is pending Can u Help me on Same with important Section and matter to be Produced in the Court relevant from chances of winning the case.

Sir We had Filed the papers to registar Explaining that we are not member of Seagull Co – Op hsg Society & not using any amenities.

Balaram   16 June 2008 at 10:25

Updated / Revised Minimum Wages for AP : Shops & Est & Private Motor Transport Act


Can you please let me know whether Minimum Wages are revised wef 1st April 2008 for Shops and Est and Private Motor Transporter Acts.

I came to know that it got revised for Industrial workers but not sure for S & E and PMT Act.

pl reply
Visakhapatnam - ap

Dipak   16 June 2008 at 03:22

Registering new placement firm while working

Dear all

Currently I m working with a ice crean chain company I want to start new placement firm while working only I want to work for both for 5-6 month only

1.Now is there any law due to which i can't run a firm while I m working for a company?

2.Here I will work from home and I will operate this firm now can I do registration of this placement firm without any office? if yes then what procedure I have follow with what document?

Rather than this which document is nessasary for opening new Placement service if I have office and If I don't have office?

My e mail id

Thank full for all reply

mahesh   15 June 2008 at 22:38

agreement to pay for real estate consultant


I am a real estate consultant and i had been in this business for the past couple of years and i had a bad experience with some of my clients. when a client approach us we take them to the properties with out any agreement on paper and with only oral commitment the client come to us and then we taje and show them the properties in the market as per their requirement and we get the customers introduced to the land lord and when he likes the place he gets in touch with the land lord and since then he starts avoids us and they get to the mutual understand and they refuse to pay us our commission so i would like to request all of you to provide me an agreement which i can get signed with the client before showing any property and aviod this iin near future.

Srinivas.B.S.S.T   15 June 2008 at 20:56

anticipatory bail

Can an anticipatory bail petition be filed for bailable offences. The police filed a case under sections 447,509 and 506 against the accused as all the offenses are bailable, can an petition under section 438 Cr.P. C be filed?

aj   15 June 2008 at 20:51


URGENT:i have a small trading firm in delhi.i had only 1 employee working with me for the last 4-5 years.he has now sent me a notice saying that he was drawing a salary of 2,500 for the last 20 years of service.he has not come for work and has claimed that we have thrown him our with verbal abuses and manhandling.i was not maintaining any records attendance/leave appointment letter was given to him.he now claims pf.gratuity ,bonus,2months notice wages much is he entitled to get.
what can the labour court charge for non maintaining any records?or how much will i have to spend to fight my case?
how much should i spend on settlement?
i am filing nil/negligible sales tax returns for the last 4 years

AJIT KAWATKAR   15 June 2008 at 18:48

partition of ppty by Collector

maharashtra land revenue code 1966-no.85[2]states--if in any holding there are more than 1 coholder any such coholder may apply to the collector for a partition of his/her share in the holding provided title is clear.
Q. my spinster sister &other married sister-since died;jointly hold aurangabad city.the ppty is in possession of her heirs[3sons] how have not mutated their names yet for they dont want to add their sisters spinster sister wants her share to be partitoned mutually to that they are reluctant & advising her to get it through court which is time consuming &expensive too. kindly guide me whether she can request petition to the COLLECTOR for quicker relief? her age is 83yrs.