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Rajesh Kumar   08 March 2008 at 10:59

Morality in retrospective amendment

The parliament of our country has plenary power of legislation. Such plenary power of legislation also inludes legislation with retrospective effect. However, can this power be exercised in a cavalier manner? Should law be amended by the Parliament merely to bolster the departments case in cases against individual assessees? What is the reason of amending Section 108 of the Customs Act retrospectively? What is the reason of asking interest retrospectively, if the assessee fails to deduct TDS as per his understanding of law (vodafone case)? Should parliament give reasons for retrospective amendments? Even the governemnt and department has been delegated power to make subordinate legislations retrospectively- disgusting.
In my view power to legislate retrospectively is an extra ordinary power and must be exercised with great care and restraint. It may bring the law into disrepute and affects the sanctity of Rule of Law.
Can u imagine a situation when you paid your taxes properly as per law- and tomorrow parliament amends the law and you become a defaulter. Do u want this situation in our country?

fbumar   08 March 2008 at 03:32

nikahnama/birth certificate attestaion for visa purposes


I've got a job in Gulf. For family visa procedure, authorities in that country need my Nikahnama & my kid's birth certificate to be attested by MEA, Delhi and their Embassy Delhi. What is the procedure? Should I walk in directly to MEA with nikahnama and birth certificate? I am from Delhi and certificates have been issued from Delhi.


MERAJ AHMED   07 March 2008 at 19:41

Customs Tariff & Duty

I would like to import some garments machinery from aboard for resale in India.
I have few queries, please guide me:

1. What is the difference between Custom tariff and Custom duty?

2. What is the rate of custom tariff on garment machinery and how it is calculated on a machine costs about USD 10000 ?

3. Wheteher custom tariff is calculated on cost price of machine or at FOB or CIF ?

4. What is the possible shipping freight from Singhai, China to Kolkata Port, India?

charu chodha   07 March 2008 at 19:36

section 264

in a case tds amt. was not claimed as no tds was deducted at time of filing return but later on assessee got tds certificete for a/y for which he has filed how it can be cured?time for revised return is expired....

siva   07 March 2008 at 19:24

Status of an MP


What is the status of an MP ? Is he/she a representative of his/her constituency?

Thank You.

madhavvan   07 March 2008 at 19:09

sublease agreement

there is a lease deed between an individualA ( owner) with B company now B wants to sublease the premises to one of its group companies whether this sublease is required to be registered

is there any other method by which sublease can be made ( thru letter) and whether it is legal

what is the denomination of stamp paper in maharashtra for the sublease

madhavvan   07 March 2008 at 18:46

property and stamp papers

is it necessary to enter into leave and license agreement or lease deed for taking property on rent

denomination of stamp paper in maharashtra for lease deed / leave and license agreement

is lease deed / leave and license required to be registered and whose responsibility it is for registration

what happens it the lease deed / leave and license is not registered

any time limit for registration

if stamp paper is dated 5th march 2008 can the agreement be made effective from 5th december 2007

CHANDRA PRATAP DASILA   07 March 2008 at 18:38

Agriculture Land

What are the Criterias required for a land to be entitled as Agriculture land.

Land Revenue Record ?
Agricultural produced sale Receipt ?
Outside municipality or 8 KM from it ?
Previously used for agriculture purpose ?

surya   07 March 2008 at 15:24

fringe benefit tax

how can i pay fbt of 4th qtr.within 15th march, where as the quarter ends in 31st of march

LATHA PRASAD   07 March 2008 at 12:06

regarding Legal Scrutiny Report

As such i am advocate newly empaneled in to bank at Bangalore and i want to know what are all the required documents to be scrutiny with respect to CMC,BBMP,and Apartment and which is the authority to give plan and permission for the construction of house or apartment
plz help me