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Prakash Singh   21 May 2009 at 14:58


plz give me reply of this case

the owner of the house is a lady n she have to sale her house but she is not able to go to the place of house therefore he want to appoit power of attoney to her son to do all the needful for the sale of house
than what exactly the legal procedure to aapoint power of attorney

AND FROM WHERE it should be registered


Prakash Singh   21 May 2009 at 13:52

need procedures

plz give me reply of this case

the owner of the house is a lady n she have to sale her house but she is not able to go to the place of house therefore he want to appoit power of attoney to her son to do all the needful for the sale of house
than what exactly the legal procedure to aapoint power of attorney


ANISHMON   21 May 2009 at 13:36

Interstate Spices carriage for Selling

I would like to know the procedures or guidelines to be followed to carry spices from Kerala to Chhattisgarh for the purpose of selling. I have land in which cardmom, pepper and cofee are cultivated. We sell that in local market in Kumily. Currently am in Chhattisgarh and am planning put up a shop here. And I planned to purchase spices directly from farmers also. So please guide me for further process like registration requirements etc.. Kindly reply

Deepesh   21 May 2009 at 11:54

Corpus fund distribution in society re-development

I have few doubts about Corpus fund being given by the developer to every society member.

1) If the corpus fund being given should be distributed as per the area of the flat or

2) If the fund can be distributed equally among all the members of the society.

3) If the General Body has the authority to take the decision about the Corpus fund

4) Is any law or provision is made in this regards in the Co.Op. Hos. Society Act.

Ramesh   21 May 2009 at 09:33

G P A From a legatee.....

Dear Forum Members!

Can you any one provide me a draft for obtaining GPA from a Legatee of a Will, for Fighting the case and claiming Compensation from a Govt., Organisation.

Further, What value of the stamp paper to be used for the above GPA, and is it necessary to Register this Document, if so what is the fee to be paid for the Registration of the GPA, with the Registrar.

Matter is Little URGENT please.I am from AP State.

Thanking you all Forum Members, in advance......

kalyani choudhury   21 May 2009 at 08:32

court hearings

Whenever I go for court hearings , my lawyer chooses to stay quiet on relevant issues and says that he was waiting for the oppsite counsel to speak 7 comes back without speaking in front of the judge. the opposite counsel and their client both speak in coutr while my counsel forbids me to speak in court. Am I allowed to speak in front of the judge or not ? aPlease help.

sanjay kumar patibandla   21 May 2009 at 08:04

Partnership deed

I am practicing an advocate. My friend got dealership of Idea cellular as a sole proprietor of SSC cellular. In that I had taken 40 % share by paying the share amount. As per Idea company terms now no one can enter into that business as partner.
What is the better way to prepare deed between me (on my wife's name) and ssc cellular. Kindly send me the draft.

R. K. Shukla   20 May 2009 at 22:53

Counter Claim

Husband filed a case for Resttution of Conjugal Rights. Wife appeared and filed a counter claim for divorce on the ground of cruelity.
Now husband wants to withdraw his suit for RCR.
What will be affect on counter claim filed by wife?
Pls advice.

Ranganath   20 May 2009 at 20:10

Compliant copy in High court

Ld Counsels,

Will the high court secure a copy of criminal complaint in its records from respondent police while deciding on a anticipatory bail petition.

If the polcie refuses to give can HC be approached to get a copy of criminal compliant.

Please clarify

Tipsy   20 May 2009 at 18:36

How to Stop of Air and Noise pollution in silent Zone ?

Sub : Cracking down on Noise and Air Pollution

Dear Sirs,

Please find details for Noise and Air Pollution faced by the residents

Open Space use by the college in the Locality, which is a silent Zone, used For Marriage Functions and Parties goes on with hi fi amplifiers and loudspeakers without any regard of timings creates following

1 Noise & Air Pollution by Firecrackers bursting during Marriages and Receptions
2 Noise Created by Horns in Automobiles while parking near Marriage Hall
3 Noise Created by Use of Loud Speaker
4. Noise Created by Power Generators
5. Noise Created by Amplified music from musical groups during Marriages
C.Location : Somaya Ground,Ghatkopar (E)
D Landmark : Next to Somaya College
E Ward : N Ward
F Corporate Zone :

Resident Rights

As a valued member of this residential community, we have following desires

1. Fire Crackers to divided into light emitting and sound emitting, complete ban on
bursting sound emitting fire crackers between 10 PM to 6 AM

2 Sleep without disturbance from noise and distractions.

3 A clean environment in which to live.

4 Host has to arrange for Proper & Professional Car Parking arrangement
For guests

5 The Management Should provide dumpsters behind each Hall in which to empty trash.rather than throwing in the gutter opposite Hall
6 Shifting of Power Generator to Backside of Hall, to avoid the large Noise

7 Loud Speakers which starts from early morning disturbing the peace and
tranquility and it goes till late night.,

8 Responisibility on restriction on the use of loud speakers is with the state
police, use of sound amplifiers and the operations of loud speakers are restricted
according to the rules, but while issuing permission for the operation of
loudsepeaker guidelines are not observed