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Manoj Choudhary   03 October 2020 at 11:13

Rights of nani(mother's mother) on minor girl grand daughter

आज मेरे पास एक बुज़ुर्ग दंपत्ति आये और बोले कि उनकी बेटी की मृत्यु हो चुकी है और उसकी एक लड़की है जो अभी उनके (नाना नानी) के पास है | उनकी लड़की ने अपने जीवनकाल में अपने पति के विरुद्ध घरेलू हिंसा का केस डाला हुआ था जो केस के दौरान ही लड़की चल बसी | पति शराबी है जो उसके खिलाफ शराब बेचने के भी केस चल रहे है तथा लड़के के साथ बच्ची की जान को भी खतरा है और आबरू को भी | क़ानूनी मार्गदर्शन करें ताकि मैं किसी का जीवन बचा सकू

Amit Joshi   03 October 2020 at 02:12

Legal remidies for false atr firs on false caste certificate

Hello, myself Amit Joshi. Civil court has passed interim order in my favour in October 2018 against some illegal transactions in my owned property. Mr. A is restricted from entering my property. From then, he is continuously harrassing me by any means. He wants me to sell my property to him and that's why he is harrassing me. In Feb, he lodged false FIR against me of caste abuse in atrocities act. I get anticipatory bail in that case. 2 days later, he again filed false FIR against me of caste abuse in ST/SC Atrocities act. Again I got anticipatory bail in that case also. Then, I filed petition in high court for quashing 2nd FIR. And my 2nd fir is quashed by bombay high court. Then he filled "Bail cancel case" in court against me in respect of 1st FIR but due to covid-19 from last 7 months that case has not come on board yet. So now, in sept. 2020, he again filed false atrocities FIR against me. And again I need apply to court for anticipatory bail. When I go to police station and other govt. Offices to complaint against him, he uses that complaint form to file FIR against me. On the date When I complaint against him, he shows that on that date he was there and I give him caste abuse which is totally false and fabricated. Meanwhile, I filed some RTIs about his caste certificate, and got his School Leaving certificate, Copy of his service book, and the letter from his employer which shows that he is of "General caste" means his caste certificate is false. He also doesn't have caste validity certificate. I decided to file complaint of him to caste scrutiny committee. But When I go to that office, they said that most of the officers of that office has currently been given the work of covid-19. So, it is sure that cancellation of his false caste certificate will take time.
I want to ask, Can there be any legal remedy available to me by which I can stop him to file false FIR again until such caste scrutiny committee decide legality of the caste certificate ?
Legal remedy means through court.

Amit Joshi   03 October 2020 at 02:09

Legal remidies for false atrocities firs on falscertificate

Hello, myself Amit Joshi. Civil court has passed interim order in my favour in October 2018 against some illegal transactions in my owned property.
Mr. A is restricted from entering my property. From then, he is continuously harrassing me by any means. He wants me to sell my property to him and that's why he is harrassing me.
In Feb, he lodged false FIR against me of caste abuse in atrocities act. I get anticipatory bail in that case. 2 days later, he again filed false FIR against me of caste abuse in ST/SC Atrocities act. Again I got anticipatory bail in that case also. Then, I filed petition in high court for quashing 2nd FIR. And my 2nd fir is quashed by bombay high court. Then he filled "Bail cancel case" in court against me in respect of 1st FIR but due to covid-19 from last 7 months that case has not come on board yet. So now, in sept. 2020, he again filed false atrocities FIR against me. And again I need apply to court for anticipatory bail.
When I go to police station and other govt. Offices to complaint against him, he uses that complaint form to file FIR against me. On the date When I complaint against him, he shows that on that date he was there and I give him caste abuse which is totally false and fabricated. Meanwhile, I filed some RTIs about his caste certificate, and got his School Leaving certificate, Copy of his service book, and the letter from his employer which shows that he is of "General caste" means his caste certificate is false. He also doesn't have caste validity certificate. I decided to file complaint of him to caste scrutiny committee. But When I go to that office, they said that most of the officers of that office has currently been given the work of covid-19. So, it is sure that cancellation of his false caste certificate will take time. I want to ask, Can there be any legal remedy available to me by which I can stop him to file false FIR again until such caste scrutiny committee decide legality of the caste certificate ?
Legal remedy means through court.

Vivek Singh   02 October 2020 at 18:52

Do fsl team gives exact reports?

Dear Experts,

I just want to know one thing ,

In the event of forgery of signatures in the document, Do GOVERNMENT FORENSIC SCIENCE DEPARTMENT gives exact report to the court.

If Forgery is visible in the signature, they send report that Signatures are forged
In case they are not sure, they send report of Doubtfullness.

1. Sir as per your experience , do FSL Team send exact truthfull report or they generally do errors?

2 Is there any scope of corruption too if opposite party is rich.

I have a criminal case to file and I have to take decision because I am suffering a huge Loss due to this forgery.

Dear Experts, What is your opinion.

Thank you

Anonymous   02 October 2020 at 17:59


Dear Sir,
Relations between my friend and his wife are irreparably strained. My friend, therefore, wants to divorce his wife. Facts are as follows:-
1. Married for almost 18 years.
2. Two children aged approx 14 years and 9 years.
3. My friend had gone abroad for his employment about four years ago and wanted his wife to join him there but she refused. Now he has come back but she has refused to co-habit with him.
4. She does not allow her children to visit their paternal grand parents but sends or takes them to their maternal grand parents. Even with their father she tells them to maintain social distance.
5. He is giving her money regularly for all expenses.
Please advise how he should proceed.

Anonymous   02 October 2020 at 16:23

Defamation case

Me and my wife are Hindu's and got married in March 2020,due to not heeding to her demands of a separate house she left the matrimonial home and now she has filed a petition under Sec 12 of HMA alleging I am insane and she wants my marriage to be declared null and void, can i file a defamation case against my wife as this allegation is merely false and baseless.

Amit Kumar   02 October 2020 at 15:17

Legal process


Anonymous   02 October 2020 at 11:54

Permanent injunction

Execution limitation period of declaration and permanent injunction decree. 1. Plaintiff decreed law full co-sharer and granted permanent injunction restraining defendant. 2. Decree date 22/01/2006 but plaintiff till date not execute the decree, scheduled land under possession in defendant (purchased land) 1995 to till date. 3. Decree holders are two members dies 2008 one plaintiff are alive. 4. All revenue documents in name of defendant. 5. Any limitation period for execution of decree.

adv. rajeev ( rajoo )   02 October 2020 at 08:47

Capital gain

Father had gifted property 50 years ago. After his death his son inherited the same and sold the same after 3 years of inheritance. So how to calculate the capital gain.

Anonymous   02 October 2020 at 08:11

Expiry of lease agreement

I have entered a lease agreement with BSNL with effect from 2005 to construct and operate a mobile tower in my property.The period of the agreement expired on march2020.Nothing was done by BSNL till August 2020 either to renewal or to vacate.I have sent a regd.notice to them stating that the period of lease expired so your immediate intervention in this matter is urgent otherwise after the expiration of 30 days of this notice your entry to my property and operate of Tower will be treated as illegal..Is that notice is legally valid?