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Buy land from s c cast person

(Querist) 16 September 2018 This query is : Resolved 
A person who belong to SC cast and he want to sale his some part of land due to weak finance situation and my a family member want to buy this land. I want to know what would be the process to buy this one. Some lawyer says that if you want to buy SC catagery person's land first get permission from district magistrate. If they are correct please tell me, how to get permission, how much time take it and what documents are required.
Thanks a lot
P. Venu (Expert) 16 September 2018
There is no law that others cannot purchase land from an SC/ST person. It is only that lands in certain localities have notified to be of restricted transferability. Ascertain whether the land in question falls in this category.
M V Gupta (Expert) 17 September 2018
Yes. Collector's permission is necessary for sale of the land belonging to SC/ST holder. For details you may enquire from the collectorate of your place.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 18 September 2018
How did the vendor obtain title of the property?
Consult a local lawyer for better appreciation of facts/documents, guidance and proceeding.
Hemant Agarwal (Expert) 24 October 2019
1. Agricultural land "allotted" to SC /ST /OBC category persons are allotted for "self-sustenance" and CANNOT be Sold /Purchased and would amount and lead to prosecutable offences and confiscate of the land by collector's office.

2. Such allotted land has to be converted to "general category land" by the SC /ST /OBC category persons thru the office of collector and ONLY THEN it can be sold to anybody, who is an ancestral farmer. An non ancestral farmer CANNOT buy agricultural land.

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Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

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