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checking dowry

(Querist) 06 June 2009 This query is : Resolved 
checking or preventing dowry is a herculean task. however the human instinct not to practise falsehood before court of law or a superior authority may be utilised for this purpose. can swearing in affidavits by either paries at the time of marriage that neither party took or gave dowry mitigate this menace?
B.B.R.Goud. (Expert) 06 June 2009
No. Not at all.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 07 June 2009
This may be up to date of marriage only -
The Affidavit or declaration no Dowry taken or givne by both parties and a customery presentations list and exclussive proerties - may be a record of evidecne , to show the clear picture at the time of marriage. it is good suggestion and can be followed by both parties ! But this itself is not the total remedy -

What about in the subsequent period - after marriage - demand/ pressures/and other modes to extract money in deferent forms / methods/technics /procedures !!!! ? .
A Truthseeker (Querist) 07 June 2009
what this author tries to drive at is the inherent human instinct of submissiveness to sovereign power. in this context i may allude this well known story. people of a village used to commit nuisance on the bank of a tank meant for drinking water. the nuisance could not be checked inspite of several verbal requests. at last a peon of govt. in uniform came and affixed a sign-board reading "committing nuisance is an offence" and it was stopped!
dhiraj choudhary (Expert) 07 June 2009
awreness & education among the masses especially to people belonging to BIMARU states will definately help in eradication of this social evil
Uma parameswaran (Expert) 08 June 2009
Dowry avarice of the male population could not easily rein with an affidavit.By practically speaking, the dowry has a positive and a constructive side and it gives strength and power to a woman. For that a woman should be capable to handle it by herself without interference. Parents of girl child should bring up their child in such a way that they are self defensive and capable to take decision according to the situation and act as responsible person. She should be entering into marriage tie only after become financially independent. Mental capacity of the girl needs to confirm up by the parents at the time of marriage.

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