Co-op society membership application form.
(Querist) 13 October 2013
This query is : Resolved
Would like to know if we can add a word in the pre printed form (Common) that is submitted to the society to transfer a deceased family member's share in the flat(made by nomination accepted by the society). The society office is asking us to add the word JOINT in front of the word MEMBER everywhere in the form as the flat is held jointly by 2 brothers.
Isaac Gabriel
(Expert) 13 October 2013
The society has to abide by the bylaw provisions.In case of ambiguity,the Coop.Socieites Act and rules will prevail.Verify the bylaws of the society.
Hemant Agarwal
(Expert) 14 October 2013
It really does not matter, if the word "Joint Member" is written on the Society membership forms. As it is, when two names are written, it automatically implies by legal default that the membership will be held by joint-holders.
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 14 October 2013
there is nothing harm to add the word 'joint'.
(Querist) 14 October 2013
Thanks everyone for your advise. Truly appreciate.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 14 October 2013
agree with experts
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 15 October 2013
I agree with experts, when 2 or more persons want to take the membership of the society, it is obvious to prefix the word 'joint'