Co-operative housing society/double game
Janhavi Mantri
(Querist) 09 May 2013
This query is : Resolved
I am a member of co-operative housing society. They have called for a meeting to adopt new model bye-laws for our society and all the members give their consent to do so. The last date to submit the application to registrar was 30th April.
Now when I ask them they say that Registrar is not accepting their application hence I went to Registrar office in Malhotra House and he says that your society has not given any application yet hence there is no question of rejecting the same moreover he says thre is no reason why I would reject. If they bring the application I would immediately accept.
My question is why is our Managing Committee is playing double game? What can I do to bring the truth out?
ajay sethi
(Expert) 09 May 2013
send letter to secretary /chairman recording that on visit to regsitrar it has been brought to your notice that no application has been subnmmitted by society for adoption of new mode bye laws
further mention atht registrar is accepting application . requuest MC to kindly comply with decision taken in AGM
ajay sethi
(Expert) 09 May 2013
thanks for your appreciation
Hemant Agarwal
(Expert) 09 May 2013
check out the following link on adopting the Society bye-laws.
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal