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(Querist) 17 October 2008 This query is : Resolved 
We got a bottel 3ooml of coca-cola brand which contain lot of dust particle inside. Company's executive visit & observe bottel he agree with fact but till company dont want to compromise with us. So what legal action we take against coca-cola company
mintu (Expert) 17 October 2008
You must file the complaint before proper consumer court.

Contact for further help.

Mintu kumar
arunprakaash.m. (Expert) 17 October 2008
You can file a complaint to the dist consumer forum also refer cases decided in this matter.
Tribhuwan Pandey (Expert) 17 October 2008
Yes this is better remedy to file complaint before Consumer Forum.
Adv.Shine Thomas (Expert) 17 October 2008
File a complaint before Consumer Court.
G. ARAVINTHAN (Expert) 19 October 2008
Consumer Forum will definitely orders for compensation in your matter
K.C.Suresh (Expert) 19 October 2008
First publish the matter tjhrough the media. and then proceed to the consumer redresal forum. Don';t take it as a personal matter Sandip. It is public health issue. So give the maximum publicity for public interst as caution to them about the health hazardous substances.
RAKHI BUDHIRAJA ADVOCATE (Expert) 20 October 2008
I'm agree with my all frnds.
If u need any type of help u can contact me
9871158578, 9711364956 at Delhi

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